Tfp || imagine Breakdown with a good samaritian reader

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(A what if scenario where Breakdown unexpectedly encounters a scarlet witch! mutant reader. Someone who once rescued saved his life in the past!)


• everything happened so quickly he could barely process what had happened!

• one minutes he was at the mercy of Arachnid then next thing he knew was the psycho spider had suddenly been engulfed by a cloud of (y/f/c) mist and flung far, far away from him.

• though he could see, Breakdown could clearly hear the sounds of an intense fight unfolding: tree branches snapping, and whooshing of webs until the air was pierced by Arachnid's screams followed by the shrill scrapping of metal before a dead silence filled the forest!

• apprehensive the ex wrecker waited for what felt like hours until you seemingly materialized out from the depths of the deep, dark woods. Emotionless eyes, hands encased in the same strange glowing (y/f/c) mist and flecks of energon splattered on your clothes, it didn't take Breakdown long to connect the dots.

• and while he'd never dare admit it out loud, the sight of you both thrilled and terrified him to the spark. Especially when you tossed down Arachnid's decapitated head by his feet, the manic femme's face frozen in one of pure shock and horror.

• he'd heard offhanded mentions about you, Prime's precious human charge who was rumoured to possess incredible powers, but had never actually met you face to face before. Until now. 'Wow! No wonder Lord Megatron is obsessed with wanting her switch over to our side! She's really strong and powerful!"

• when your gazes locked, Breakdown felt for sure that he was still going to die. Only it would ironically be at your hands.

• to his surprise however instead of killing like he anticipated, you merely waved a hand and ripped off the webbing like snare that held him captive.

• "are you okay?" Your once emotionless expression morphing into one of concern as you cautiously regarded him. "She didn't hurt you did she?"

• "uh— no I'm fine. Thank you."

• "you can thank me by getting out of here as quickly as you can before MECH finds us both!"

• "wait those scrappers are here too?!?!" At the mention of their name, Breakdown felt the all too familiar phantom burning in the side of his face where they savagely ripped out his optic.

• "yes; and their on the lookout for any helpless victims to forcibly use in their twisted science fair projects, so if I were you I'd return to the Nemesis."

• "what about you?" He blurted out, surprising himself that he should be concerned about you. "Don't worry about me Breakdown, just make sure those monsters never find you." And with that you summoned that strange mist and flew off into the bleak night sky until you were nothing more than a speck of (y/f/c) in the distance.

• not wanting to stick around any longer, Breakdown snatched up the fallen Arachnid's head and raced off towards the tree where he'd left Dreadwing all tangled up in a web."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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