Cw| Thire x Riyo's cousin reader

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(Including some Foxiyo shipping content on the side.)


The moment the automatic door closed behind her, Riyo collapsed onto her office chair and closed her eyes in exhaustion.

"That was an excellent speech you gave Senator." Spoke a female voice.

Startled Riyo's golden eyes flew open as she fell out of her chair with a yelp. Grabbing her small blaster she kept in the bottom drawer Riyo scrambled to her feet and looked to see a faint silhouette of a person sitting nonchalantly in the shadows. Aiming her blaster at the mysterious figure she asked. "Who are you?"

The lady in the dark laughed flipping on the light switch. "Don't tell me you don't recognize your own cousin."

Now that the room was illuminated, Riyo was able to properly get a good look at the woman. "(Y/N)?" Lowering her blaster, Riyo levelled her cousin a scolding glare. "You scared me to death. I thought you were one of Cad Bane's bounty hunters."

"I'm really sorry Riyo, I didn't mean to scare you." Apologized (Y/N) having the decency to look sheepish. "But this was practically the only way we can spend some girl time together without the slagging paparazzi stomping all over you and getting in your face."

Riyo sighed running a hand over her face. "Don't I know it."

"I don't suppose I could negotiate a peace treaty with you now can I?" Asked (Y/N) holding up a large bag.

However before Riyo could reply, both Pantoran females were startled by three Coruscant Guards armed to the teeth storming into Riyo's office. "Senator Chuchi are al—" Commander Fox trailed off as he analyzed the scene before him.

"Oh you again!" He growled shoving his blasters back into his holsters, Commander Fox crossed his arms over his chest. "I should have guessed."

Riyo shook her head in disbelief at the whole situation before addressing the troopers. "I apologize for scaring you Fox, but it was only a false alarm. My cousin just startled me that's all."

Peeling his disapproving glare from you, Commander Fox turned to Riyo. "It's alright Senator Chuchi, as long as your safe that's all that matters to me." He reassured her softly.

Riyo averted her face to hide the rising blush on her blue checks. Than clearing her throat she made the necessary introductions. "(Y/N) these are Commanders Thorn," she said gesturing to the troopers with the red wings painted on his helmet. "Thire and you've already met Commander Fox." Fox scoffed muttering something under his breath, but you ignored them in favour of the other two guardsmen. "Commander Thire, Commander Thorn meet my cousin (Y/N)."

"It's a pleasure to meet both." You greeted pleasantly extending your hand out to them. After a brief moment of hesitation both Thire and Thorn shook you hand in a firm yet gentle manner. "And I thank you for keeping my cousin safe from harm."

"It's our pleasure ma'am." Said Thire. "Your cousin is a wonderful senator as well as a very good friend of ours."

"I know she's a lovely individual who uses her voice to help people in need. Not to mention—" you lowered your voice and whispered to Thire. "That she's very sweet on Foxy Woxy."

"Foxy Woxy?" Chuckled Thire. "Hahahaha!"

"Very funny." Commander Fox glowered at you and Thire. Despite his helmet covering his face, you concluded by his body language that Commander Fox was madly blushing at your statement of Riyo being sweet on him. "And it's Commander Fox to you!"

Transformer & Clone Trooper love shots [Rewritten]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt