RB headcannons: they get jealous

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(A little headcannon feature describing how the rescue bots would react to some random guy flirting with you. {to avoid any confusion I will clarify that this takes place after the bots reveal their secret}.)


• could practically see the steam blowing out of his audio receptors.

• 'grrr! Just who does this guy think he is?'

• Heatwave had never once felt the uncontrollable urge to throttle anybody (human or cybertronian) than now when this guy started flirting with you!

• literally takes every once of self control to prevent himself from pounding the guy into sheet metal because 1) he's a rescue bot not a Morocco bot and 2) cybertronian are a whole lot stronger than humans so if he punched the human he would literally kill him. Not to mention that even if by some miracle the human male survived the fatal impact, Heatwave would've still managed to shatter every single bone in the human's body.

• random guy: 'my lips have caught on fire, mind putting them out with a kiss?' Heatwave: ' that's it !!!'

• activates his hose and just sprays the guy with water!

• 'sorry I heard somebody say they were on fire.' The smug fire bot doesn't bother to pretend to even sound remotely apologetic.

• kade walks in with some weird snack concoction of his and stops short when he sees the drenched guy. 'Ok..... what just happened here?'


• gets green(er) with envy.

• Boulder knew perfectly well that you as a wonderful partner and a sweet human being and that anybody would be lucky to have the pleasure of courting you, but he dearly wishes with all his spark that it wouldn't be with this guy!

• why; because 1) the guy is a narcissist jerk and 2) because Boulder really likes you.

• feels even less rosy as the guy follows you around without any regard to the fact that his boots are crushing some lovely flowers without any regard or regret for the crushed flowers.

• takes a huge scoop of dirt and dumps it all over the guy!

• 'oops sorry I didn't see you there.'

• watches as the guy whines about how his top quality designer clothes were all ruined and stomps off leaving a trail of dirt participles in his wake.

• instead getting angry at him as he expected you surprise him by bursting into a fit of laughter. 'Thanks Boulder,' you said after catching your breath. 'that guy was starting to be a real thorn in my side.'

• blushes sheepishly 'uh your welcome.'


• for an innocent bean, Blades knows all about the whole 'chemistry romance'. Both from rom-coms and from Dani's explanation about the basics of human courtship.

• which is why he's pouting in a corner since he wanted to spend time with you, but no some random guy just had to rudely interrupt their private moment is laying you with lame pick up lines.

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