____CHAPTER 4____

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Let's start.....

Siddharth:- Mine!

Avneet:- It's not true! I'll prove it! I'll send my mowers out to the Meadows these very day!

Siddharth:- What?

Avneet:- My mowers will be there this very day!

Siddharth :- I'll give it to them in the neck!

Avneet:- You dare!

Siddharth:- [Clutches at his heart] Oxen Meadows are mine! You understand? Mine!

Avneet:- Please don't shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house, but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!

Siddharth:- If it wasn't Madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn't upset, I'd talk to you in a different way! {Yells} and Meadows are mine!

Avneet:- Ours!

Siddharth:- Mine!

Avneet:- Ours!

Siddharth:- Mine!

Avneet:- Ours!

Siddharth:- Mine!

Avneet:- Ours!

Siddharth:- Mine!

Listening their shouting, Mr. Nandra comes in living room.....

Mr. Nandra:- What's the matter ?What are you shouting at ?

Avneet:- Papa, please tell this gentleman; who owns green Meadows we or he?

Mr.Nandra:- (To Siddharth) Darling, the Meadows are ours!

Siddharth :- But please, Mr.Nandra how can they be yours? Do be a reasonable man! My aunt's grandmother gave the Meadows for the temporary and free use of your grandfather's peasants. The peasants used the land for 40 years and got as accustomed to it as if it was their own, when it happened that.....

Mr. Nandra:- Excuse me, my precious.... You forget just this, that the peasants didn't pay your grandmother and all that, because the Meadows were in dispute, and so on. And now everybody knows that they're ours. It means that you haven't seen the plan.

Siddharth:- I'll prove to you that they're mine!

Mr. Nandra:- you won't prove it my darling.

Siddharth:- I shall!!

Mr. Nandra:- Dear one, why yell like that? You won't prove anything just by yelling. I don't want anything of yours and don't intend to give up what I have. Why should I? And you know, my beloved, that if you propose to go or arguing about it, I'd much Sooner give up the Meadows to the peasants than to you. There!

Siddharth:- I don't understand! How have you the right to give away somebody else's property?

Mr. Nandra:- You may take it that I know whether I have the right or not. Because, young man, I'm not used to being spoken to in that tone of voice, and so on: I, young man, am twice your age, and ask you to speak to me without any agitating yourself and all that.

Siddharth :- No, you just think I'm a fool and want to have me on! You call my land yours, & then you want me to talk to you calmly & politely! Good neighbours don't behave like that Mr.Nandra . You are not a neighbour, you're a grabber!

Mr.Nandra :- What's that? What did you say?

Avneet :- Papa, send the mowers out to the Meadows at once!

Mr.Nandra :- What did you say, sir ?

Avneet :- Oxen Meadows are ours, and I shan't give them up, shan't give them up!

Siddharth :- we'll see! I'll have the matter taken to court, and then I'll show you!

Mr.Nandra :- To court? You can take it to court &.........



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