_____CHAPTER 5_____

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Mr.Nandra:- To Court? You can take it to court, & all that! You can! I know you; you're just on the look-out for a chance to go to court, & all that. ....
You Pettifogger! All your were like that! All of them!

Siddharth:- Never mind about my people! The NIGAM'S have all been honourable people,& not one has ever been tried for embezzlement, like you grandfather.

Mr.Nandra :- you nigam's have had Lunacy in your family all of you!

Avneet:- All, all, all!

Mr Nandra:- your grandfather was a drunkard, and your younger aunt, run away with an architect, and so on.

Siddharth:- And your mother was hump-backed. [Clutches at his heart] something pulling in my side .....
My head ..... Help! Water!

Mr.Nandra:- Your father was a guzzling gambler!

Avneet:- And their haven't been many backbiters to equal your aunt!

Siddharth:- My left foot has gone to sleep ..... you're an intriguer ..... oh my heart! ..... And its an open secret that before the last elections you bri ...
I can see stars .... where's my hats?

AVNEET: It's low! It's dishonest! It's mean!

MR.NANDRA: And you're just a malicious, double-faced intriguer! Yes!
SIDDHARTH: Here's my hat. ... My heart! ... Which way? Where's the door? Oh! ... I think I'm dying. ... My foot's quite numb. ...

[Goes to the door.]

MR.NANDRA: [Following him till door] And don't set foot in my house again!

AVNEET: Take it to court! We'll see!

[SIDDHARTH staggers out.]

MR.NANDRA: Devil take him! [Walks about in excitement.]

AVNEET: What a rascal! What trust can one have in one's neighbours after that!

MR.NANDRA: The villain! The scarecrow!

AVNEET: The monster! First he takes our land and then he has the impudence to abuse us.

MR NANDRA: And that blind hen, yes, that turnip-ghost has the confounded cheek to make a proposal, and so on! What? A proposal!

AVNEET: What proposal?

MR.NANDRA: Why, he came here so as to propose to you.

AVNEET: To propose? To me? Why didn't you tell me so before?

MR.NANDRA: So he dresses up in evening clothes. The stuffed sausage! The wizen-faced frump!

AVNEET: To propose to me? Ah! [Falls into an easy-chair and wails] Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here.

MR.NANDRA: Bring whom here?
AVNEET: Quick, quick! I'm ill! Fetch him! [Hysterics.]

MR.NANDRA: What's that? What's the matter with you? [Clutches at his head] Oh, unhappy man that I am! I'll shoot myself! I'll hang myself! We've done for her!
AVNEET: I'm dying! Fetch him!

MR.NANDRA: At once. Don't yell!

[Runs out. A pause. AVNEET wails.]

AVNEET:(to herself). What have they done to me! Fetch him back! Fetch him! [A pause.]

[MR.NANDRA runs in.]

MR.NANDRA: He's coming, and so on, devil take him! Ouf! Talk to him yourself; I don't want to. ...

AVNEET: [Wails] Fetch him!

MR.NANDRA: [Yells] He's coming, I tell you. Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter! I'll cut my throat! I will, indeed! We cursed him, abused him, drove him out, and it's all you ... you!

AVNEET: No, it was you!

MR.NANDRA: I tell you it's not my fault. [SIDDHARTH appears at the door] Now you talk to him yourself. [Exit.]



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