______CHAPTER 6______

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[SIDDHARTH enters, exhausted.]

SIDDHARTH: My heart's palpitating awfully. ... My foot's gone to sleep. ... There's something keeps pulling in my side.

AVNEET: Forgive us, MR. NIGAM, we were all a little heated. ... I remember now: Oxen Meadows really are yours.

SIDDHARTH: My heart's beating awfully. ... My Meadows. ... My eyebrows are both twitching. ...

AVNEET: The Meadows are yours, yes, yours. ... Do sit down. ... [They sit] We were wrong. ...

SIDDHARTH: I did it on principle. ... My land is worth little to me, but the principle ...

AVNEET: Yes, the principle, just so. ... Now let's talk of something else.

SIDDHARTH: The more so as I have evidence. My aunt's grandmother gave the land to your father's grandfather's peasants ...

AVNEET: Yes, yes, let that pass. ... [Aside] I wish I knew how to get him started. ... [Aloud] Are you going to start shooting soon?

SIDDHARTH: I'm thinking of having a go at the blackcock, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, after the harvest. Oh, have you heard? Just think, what a misfortune I've had! My dog Guess, whom you know, has gone lame.

AVNEET: What a pity! Why?

SIDDHARTH: I don't know. ... Must have got twisted, or bitten by some other dog. ... [Sighs] My very best dog, to say nothing of the expense. I gave Mironov 125 roubles for him.

AVNEET: It was too much, MR. NIGAM.

SIDDHARTH: I think it was very cheap. He's a first-rate dog.

AVNEET: Papa gave 85 roubles for his Squeezer, and Squeezer is heaps better than Guess!

SIDDHARTH: Squeezer better than. Guess? What an idea! [Laughs] Squeezer better than Guess!

AVNEET: Of course he's better! Of course, Squeezer is young, he may develop a bit, but on points and pedigree he's better than anything that even Volchanetsky has got.

SIDDHARTH :Excuse me, MISS KAUR, but you forget that he is overshot, and an overshot always means the dog is a bad hunter!

AVNEET: Overshot, is he? The first time I hear it!

SIDDHARTH: I assure you that his lower jaw is shorter than the upper.

AVNEET: Have you measured?

SIDDHARTH: Yes. He's all right at following, of course, but if you want him to get hold of anything ...

AVNEET: In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels, while there's no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. ... He's old and as ugly as a worn-out cab-horse.

SIDDHARTH: He is old, but I wouldn't take five Squeezers for him. ... Why, how can you? ... Guess is a dog; as for Squeezer, well, it's too funny to argue. ... Anybody you like has a dog as good as Squeezer ... you may find them under every bush almost. Twenty-five roubles would be a handsome price to pay for him.

AVNEET : There's some demon of contradiction in you today, MR. NIGAM . First you pretend that the Meadows are yours; now, that Guess is better than Squeezer. I don't like people who don't say what they mean, because you know perfectly well that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your silly Guess. Why do you want to say it isn't?

SIDDHARTH: I see, MISS KAUR, that you consider me either blind or a fool. You must realize that Squeezer is overshot!

AVNEET: It's not true.


AVNEET : It's not true!



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