Chapter 16

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Kirishima : How did the situation turn out to be like this?!

Kirishima shouted running through the field that was being bombarded by the combined forces of Azur Lane and Siren, Kirishima was carrying Hiei who was unconscious.

Blue : The situation went from bad to worse, yes?!

Blue also carried two Sakura shipgirls with her rigging, Tone and Maya.

They, along with hundreds of other Sakura Empire troops dashed through the field with all the shipgirls they could carry. Several times the Siren fighter plane flew low and strafed several Sopoids who were approaching Sakura's troops. Several close call situations occur frequently and injure Ryujou, leaving her behind. Ryujou who had given up on her life could only close her eyes tightly.

But the pain didn't come, and she saw Sopoid who was about to kill her has It body full of holes from machine gun spray from an F4U Corsair Eagle Union that was present in this battle.

Shimakaze : Don't stop, Ryujou! Come on!

Shimakaze decided to return to the back and help Ryujou, with the help of the air raids of the combined forces. The two of them ran with the last of their strength and saw several of Siren's amphibious combat vehicles waiting at the port. They also saw several heavy Siren troops advancing with their machine guns raining down on a group of pursuing Sopoids.

 They also saw several heavy Siren troops advancing with their machine guns raining down on a group of pursuing Sopoids

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One of the Eagle Union Marines shouted.

??? : Maam! Get out of the way! The big Guy wants to pass!

Ryujou and Shimakaze stepped aside when they saw a large tank with outrageous weaponry.

Ryujou and Shimakaze stepped aside when they saw a large tank with outrageous weaponry

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The tank immediately fired its heavy Bolter at the approaching Grunts Battalion. The Grunts instantly became minced meat due to the terrifying firepower of the Tank, with a few heavy Siren Soldiers following, they managed to secure the harbor in no time.

Ryujou and Shimakaze immediately got into Siren's amphibious combat vehicle, and they were immediately taken to Vestal and Enterprise's Ships.

Kawakaze, along with several Siren reconnaissance soldiers quickly passed through the horde of Leviathan troops to rush to the giant Sakura tree that was on fire.

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