Chapter 2 - Risk

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I woke up, scared of being alone. It was about 7:00am. I will admit, it was nice not waking up to that annoying voice of that awful bear. Instead, I'm waking up to a nurse doing whatever medical things she has to do to me. She doesn't say much, except for the usual "are you in any pain" or "have you been feeling panicked" and all the other medical check-in questions and then left.

But how could I be feeling panicked now? I'm not scared, anxious, or sad or anything! All because Kaito was still here. He kept his promise. He was still sleeping, but I wasn't going to wake him up. Maybe this means he actually did want to stay with me?

Don't be stupid. He probably just ended up falling asleep on accident.

About an hour passed, and he was still asleep. Another nurse came in to give me breakfast. I wasn't really the biggest fan of eating breakfast, but i still had a little bit. At least the coffee was alright. To be honest, if the nurse never woke me up, I would probably still be sleeping, too. That killing game really took a lot out of me. Kaito was probably exhausted as well. He did get out the hospital earlier than me, but only by a few days.

Another hour passed. I didn't actually have my things with me, so I spent most of the time watching tv. I really wish I had a book or something, but I guess I could find a few interesting shows. After a little more time passed, and a few more nurses came and left, Kaito finally woke up.

"Good morning..." I quietly said.

"Morning.." he said with a yawn. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine... What about you?"

"Me too..." he said with a smile. "But I really prefer my bed more, heh.."

"I can't imagine how that chair would be comfortable..."

"Oh, it doesn't bother me too much!"

I know he's lying. He keeps rubbing the back of his neck, indicating that it's sore. I feel bad, but there's not much I can do about it.

"Hey, do you mind if i step out for a bit? I was thinking about grabbing a coffee or something." he asked.

He won't come back. He's bored of you so he's leaving.

"Sure, I don't mind.. Take your time, okay?" I replied.

"Nah, I'll be quick... Wouldn't want to leave my favorite Sidekick waiting for me, heh.." he said as he left.

I'm his favorite sidekick...?

Only because of what Maki did. She was his favorite. She's the one he gave a nickname to. She would still be the favorite if she didn't confess.

I tried to shake those thoughts away. I wish I didn't think like that all of the time. It makes life hard to appreciate. For now, I'll just try to distract myself with the tv. Watching something boring is better than being left alone with my own thoughts.

A few minutes later, Kaede walked in. Oh no. I hope this doesn't mean Kaito has to go. What if she ran into him in the hallway and told him to go back with Maki?

"H-Hey Kaede..." I said.

"Where's Kaito?" she asked.

She looked... angry..?

"Uh.. he should be back in a minute..." I replied.

Right on queue, Kaito walked in.

"Hey Shu- oh, hey Kaede..!" he said.

In response, she slapped him. Wait, she slapped him?!

"Kaede?!" I yelled.

"How could you do that to Maki?! You're lucky I didn't bring Tenko!" she shouted at him.

Kaito just stood there, confused.

"K-Kaede, please calm down!" I told her.

"Shuichi, do you even know what he did to her?!" she yelled back.

"All he did was say he didn't like her back..!"

"That's not all! He also said that he never wanted to see her again, and he was just going to leave her all alone in the hospital room without telling anyone!"

"What?! That's not what happened!" Kaito said.

"Right, like I'd believe you over Maki!" Kaede shot back. "Shuichi, you shouldn't be hanging around someone like him!"

"No! Shuichi please, I didn't say that! I told Maki that I felt like we should both take some time apart, and that I was going to leave her alone for a while! I never said I would leave her there or that I didn't want to see her again!"

"Shuichi, don't believe him! Poor Maki would've been all alone if we didn't show up!"

Suddenly, a doctor came in.

"What's going on here?" the doctor asked. "The patient's heart rate is going up an alarming rate, indicating high levels of stress."

They all looked at me. I didn't want them to know, but I was having a panic attack. I was breathing heavily. My heart was beating fast. Tears were streaming down my face. I was panicking and I didn't know what to do.

"Sh-Shuichi..." Kaito said, starting to walk over to me.

The doctor stopped him.

"High levels of stress is not good for him in this current state! He could go into shock which could lead to a coma!" the doctor said.

That made it worse.

"C-Coma?!" I shouted.

I needed to calm down. But I couldn't. Tears kept falling, my breathing because more rapid. Before I knew it, I was sobbing. The doctor yelled for a nurse to bring in some kind a medicine, I couldn't pay attention enough to remember the name.

Kaito came rushing over to me and hugged me. I hugged him tightly and sobbed harder. Everything was so loud. Everything was happening all at once, I couldn't focus. The doctor was yelling and the nurse was trying to grab my arm. They made Kaede leave, and they were telling Kaito to leave, too.

"Kaito d-don't leave me!" I sobbed.

"I'm not going anywhere, Shuichi." he told me.

The doctor and nurse said some things, Kaito snapped back, and I couldn't even tell what they were saying. The machines were so loud. Everyone was so loud. The room was so bright. All I knew was that I felt safer in Kaito's arms.

Suddenly, everything went dark.

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