Chapter 8 - The Truth

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I froze. I didn't know what to say. Was this real? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? In heaven? Or am I just hearing things? Did he just say what I think he said?

"K-Kaito..." I managed to whisper.

"S-Shuichi..." he said back. "I... Heh... I guess the truth is out, isn't it..? Well... I'm not going to run away... I'm going to be honest, tell you the whole truth. Shuichi, I'm in love with you. I've been in love for a while. Something about you... I just... I dunno, I think it's everything about you- I'm in love. And, you don't have to love me back. I hate to put you in this kind of situation, but I think it's best if I finally told you the truth..."

"Kaito, I-I..."

I hugged him. I hugged him tightly, burying my face in his chest. I felt tears start to form. I didn't care about that anymore; now I know for a fact that Kaito loves me. I started to sob.

"I-I love you too!" I managed to confess through sobs.

"You do?!" He asked.

"Yes! I-I love you more than anything! I-I want to be yours!"

He started laughing, and hugged me tightly. He lifted me up and spun me around. We were both laughing, tears were streaming down my face, and it was just such a beautiful moment. After a few more moments of giggling and pulling ourselves together, he set me down.

"So... are we a thing?" he chuckled.

I nodded and laughed, while wiping away my tears. He grabbed onto my arm, and carefully led me back inside. I didn't realize how much time had passed by; it was already 9:00pm. Honestly, I was tired. I wonder if Kaito was tired, too.

He doesn't....


You're a fool to think....


He'll never....


All of those horrible thoughts, all of the anxiety and worries; they're all gone. I don't have to worry about how Kaito feels about me now. I used to be so nervous around him. I used to think I would say the wrong things around him, so I often didn't talk much at all. I tried to act cool or brave sometimes; but I guess in the end, all of that worrying that made me physically sick had no purpose. It was all for no reason; Kaito loves me. He loves me! He loves me and I love him! I'm more than just a sidekick! I'm more than just his bro! I'm his boyfriend! Kaito Momota, The Luminary of the Stars, is my boyfriend! Before I knew it, we were upstairs.

"So... which is your room?" he asked.

"Oh, I'll show you..." I said, guiding him to my room.

Now, maybe if this were some work of fiction, like a show or book or something, then we would've been going to my room for a... different... reason. But alas, this is real life. And we just got into a relationship a few minutes ago. We haven't even kissed yet. We need some time to think and talk about this. We're just 18, young and in love. We walked up to my door. I hesitated for a moment, but then I remembered: I cleaned everything out. I have nothing to hide. I opened the door, and we walked in. We sat on the bed, and he studied my room for a bit.

"Your room is nice, Shu!" he cheerfully remarked.

"It's not decorated or anything... but it's alright." I replied.

We were silent for a while.

"So..." I began.

"Sooo..." he copied.

"...what do we do now? Do we talk about this? I-Is there anything we need to discuss? If so, what even is it?"

"Shu, calm down a bit. We just gotta do this on our own, ya know? We just let it happen, and if there is something we need to talk about, then we will!"

"Heh... You're right."

We were silent again. I didn't like this silence. I glanced at the clock. 8:31pm. Why do I feel so tired? I guess a lot did happen today. But still, this is way too early to sleep.

"Tired?" he asked.

"A little... But, I don't want to be away from you..." I admitted.

"I'll just be a few houses down. Besides, I'll come see you tomorrow! Just get some rest, I won't leave until you're sleeping!"

I agreed, then laid down. He laid next to me, smiling. Why does everything feel so... tense? It's like we've suddenly become strangers. I have no clue what to say, and I don't know if he's feeling the same or not. Actually, I'm lying. I know exactly what I want, exactly what I want to say. But... I can't. I hate this feeling; the fact that I can't tell him how I feel. But, I decided to try.


"Hm? Something on your mind, Shu?" Kaito asked.

"I, uh..."

"You can tell me."

"Can uhm..."

"Come on, spit it out!"

"C-Can I hug you?!"

He paused for a second, and then smiled.

"You don't have to ask for that!" he laughed.

He then pulled me into a big hug. Immediately I hugged him back. I laughed to myself, and then in almost an instant, I fell asleep in Kaito's arms.

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