Chapter 6 - Stubborn

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The walk didn't take that long. Maybe around, 2-5 minutes. We talked about random things during our walk. Or, to be more specific, Kaito talked about random things. I didn't really say much. I don't know if he noticed or not, but I was too scared of what I was going to find. We walked up to the front door.

"This is your place? Looks pretty nice from the outside!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Yeah..." I responded.

I didn't know if it would've looked as "nice" on the inside. Let's just say... my uncle like to drink a lot. Sometimes he forgets to clean up after himself. I'm nervous that Kaito would judge me if he saw the inside.

"Thank you for walking me home, b-but I should go now..." I said.

"Let me help you carry your stuff in! You shouldn't be doin' too much on your own yet!" he replied.

"I won't be own my own.. and besides, the box isn't that heavy."

"Nah, I don't mind helping my sidekick!"

I paused, and then sighed. "Fine... but, it might be a bit messy..."

"Don't worry about messes, Shu. My room was a mess when I brought you there!"

I slowly opened the door. It wasn't as bad as I thought, though. Most things were clean, it just looked a little.. dusty? It's like you know it hasn't been cleaned, but there's no mess. I walked in, and Kaito followed me.

"So this is your house? It's pretty cool!" Kaito said.

"It's alright I guess..." I replied.

"So... Where's your uncle?"

"Judging by the time of day, he's probably at work."

"Oh yeah..."

"Anyways... Thank you for helping me. I'll be fine now, you can go home."

"I can't just leave my sidekick all alone! I'll stay with you for a while, okay?"

"Kaito, I promise I'll be fine-" I said, reaching to take the box away from him.

"NO." he quickly pulled the box away.

I paused and took a step back. He... yelled at me. I felt like crying. I knew he gets mad easily and I still provoked him. I felt like such an asshole. Kaito set the box on the couch.

"S-Shuichi, I'm sorry..." he said, pulling me into a hug. "I'm just worried about you... I'm not mad or anything, I-I'm really sorry for yellin' at ya..."

I stayed silent. I can't cry. What kind of crybaby cries just from being yelled at? How weak does he think I am? Reluctantly, I hugged him back. I didn't say anything. If I tried to then I would cry. I just needed him to hold me for a little while. After a few minutes passed, he finally spoke.

"Hey... How about I make it up to ya... I can go get you something to eat if you want.. I know you haven't eaten in a long time.."

I thought for a minute. I didn't want him to see my room, and this would be the perfect opportunity to distract him long enough to make sure it isn't too weird.

"Sure.." I replied, holding my breath.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes... You gonna be okay here for a little bit?" he softly spoke.

"I'll be fine.. you'll only be gone for a few minutes, right? I'll be fine until then.."

"Okay... I promise I'll be quick."

He gave me one final tight hug and left. Instantly, I grabbed my box of belongings and ran up to my room. The door was closed, which gave me even more anxiety. Slowly, I turned the knob to open it. Unfortunately, everything I feared came true.

There were so many posters of similar killing games. The whole room was themed based on so many shows of killing games that I don't remember being interested in. I set my box on the bed and immediately began cleaning. I ripped up posters, grabbed plushies and stuffed them all into a bag to sell later, and got rid of any other merchandise. I went through my clothes and put any Danganronpa merchandise in the bag. There were even outfits of characters I put in as well. I have no idea what was wrong with me, but I put all of the creepy fanboy things into a bag, and stuffed that bag into my closet.

Once I was done, my room looked rather boring. I had a tv, desk, and laptop (which I will go through later), but no books or anything else. I'll definitely look for things to decorate it with later, but I'm fairly happy with my plain, bland room for now.


I heard from downstairs. Sounds like Kaito is back. It's a miracle how I was able to clean everything so fast, but I am grateful that he came back. With that, I made my way down to see him.

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