Chapter 5 - How is this Plationic?

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I woke up in a bed. It was pretty comfortable, I was so happy to be back home in my own bed. I opened my eyes abbot, trying to wake up. Only to realize, this was not actually my bed. It was not my room, either. Where am I...? I sat up, looking around. The room was sort of messy, and there were many little potted plants sitting around. There were also some space things, which was the last indication that this was Kaito's room.

He must have taken me home with him. It makes sense, I passed out before telling him where I lived. I was still in my clothes, but my overcoat, tie, shoes, and hat were placed nicely on the floor next to the bed. I sat up, looking around a bit more. I didn't want to snoop, but I was still curious about his home life.

I got up and stretched, finally being able to move around on my own. I stumbled a bit, but I still managed. To start, I just looked around at some posters. Then, I viewed the plants, and then, I wanted to see more. I'm not a creep. I wasn't planning on looking through or for anything specific. There just happened to be a journal on the desk. A journal that was open.

I didn't read it. I looked at the sentences, I looked at the way the words were written. I looked at his handwriting. I.... I read his journal.

August 18th 9:23am

It's been a few months since I wrote. I got put into this killing game. Apparently they're going to show it on tv. I hope they got all my good angles.

I smiled at that remark, and kept reading.

I could talk all about what happened, but the tv would probably tell you everything you need. I just can't believe I really signed up for that. I don't remember what I used to be like, and I don't really want to look back on the pages to see. I'm really exhausted from everything. The killing game, dying, waking up, staying at the hospital, all that. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in days. There's been a lot going on with the people I care about, too. Maki told me she loves me, but I don't like her so now she won't talk to me. Kaede hates me because of that. Shuichi woke up a few days ago.

Seeing my name only intrigued me more. I need to keep reading.

I stayed with him the entire time I found out he woke up. I really missed him. I was really really worried about him. But I know my sidekick! He's strong, and I believed that he would escape. And he did! He really is amazing. To be honest, I love him. He passed out when I tried to take him home, so I took him back to my place. I let him sleep in my bed, and, he doesn't know this, but I slept right next to him. I mean, how could I resist? I love the guy a lot.

It ended there. Did he really mean all that..? No, he must've just written that to mess with me... Why else would he have it out like that? I went back to the bed and sat down. I couldn't think of much to do. I didn't want to just walk out, so it was best if I just waited for him to come back. I looked at the clock: 9:56am. Maybe he'll be back soon.

That's when I noticed a phone charging on the desk next to the bed. I'd know if it was Kaito's, and if it was his, I wouldn't touch it. But I noticed his in the hospital. His had a galaxy case on it. This one had no case. Did he.. charge my phone for me? That was pretty sweet. I grabbed the phone, and it turned on. There were a lot of notifications, mostly from social media sites. After looking to make sure there wasn't anything important, i went to unlock the actual phone. Unsurprisingly, there was a password. Hoping it would be easy, i entered the digits.


It didn't work. So, I guess it wasn't my birthday. There was an option for a hint, so I clicked that.


Leon..? Who is that? And what kind of password is that; I need numbers, not letters. After doing some more thinking, I thought of something. Maybe the letters are the numbers. When turned upside-down, most resemble a number. I tried that.


It worked. The wallpaper on the lock screen was of some strange anime girl, so it didn't really catch my attention. But, the home screen... it was a picture of...


He looked flustered, like he didn't want his picture taken. I didn't want to think about that anymore. I went to my settings and immediately changed the wallpapers back to their defaults and changed the password to my birthday. Next, I decided to go through my pictures. That was a big mistake. There were a lot more weird pictures that I have no memory of taking; a lot of them of Kokichi. Were we... together..? I shook the thought out of my head and deleted every single picture I had. I did the same with my messages and social media accounts, clearing any old, useless things so I can start my new life. After I was done "cleaning" my phone, I heard the door open.

"Shuichi! Good morning, Sidekick!" Kaito exclaimed.

"Ah, good morning Kaito." I responded, setting my phone down. Kaito sat next to me.

"Did you sleep alright?"

"Actually, yeah. I slept pretty well.."

"Good! Sorry about makin' you stay here, I didn't know where you lived."

"Oh, it's okay. I don't mind. It's not like I have much to go back to at home."

"I'm sure your parents miss you!"

"Er... my parents don't live in this country..."

"What?! Well, what about siblings?"

"I don't have any.."



"Come on, Shu! Don't tell me you've been livin' alone all this time!"

"No... I live with my uncle. But, he doesn't pay much attention to me. He's either always at work or passed out at home."

"Oh, damn... I'm sorry... sounds pretty lonely, huh?"

"Oh, no. I'm used to it, so don't worry..."

I felt like I made things awkward. I always do this. I hate that i'm like this.

"Er.. Anyways..." I said, "I think I should probably go home now."

"Yeah, I can understand that." he replied. "I'll take you home!"

"Thanks.." I said.

He took my hand and helped me up, grabbing my other arm to make sure I was steady. I couldn't help but blush a light shade of pink. I liked when he touched me or got close to me; it made me feel so happy.

"I'll carry your things for you, just get the rest of your clothes on!" he exclaimed.

I did as I was told, grabbing my over coat, tie, shoes, and hat, and putting them all on. I grabbed my phone, too. Kaito got my box of belongings, and we went out the room. His house was pretty nice; not too small, but not overdoing anything either. I didn't get to meet any of his family, but hopefully I'll get to do that later. Before we went out the door, he asked me one more thing:

"Are you sure you don't want any breakfast or anything?"

"I'm fine, really... I just sort of want to go home right now... But I'd love to come back here soon!" I replied.

He smiled, and we walked out the front door. We started walking towards his car when I realized something.

"Wait!" I called out.

He stopped and looked back at me.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"Yeah.. I'm pretty sure I live on this street. Near the end down there." I pointed.

"Oh, that's awesome! Now I can come talk to you every day!"

"Heh... yeah.."

We started walking down the street to my house.

A Galaxy Away || A Saimota FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora