Chapter 1 - Underhigh

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-Y/n's POV-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and look at the time. It's six in the morning. I get up from my bed and head to the kitchen.

Do I want breakfast or just some coffee this morning?
I'll get some coffee.

I get to the kitchen, make my coffee, and go to the living room. Setting the coffee down on the coffee table I look for the remote to the T.V.

Where did I put the remote? Ah, found it.

I turn on the T.V. and look for a show to watch. As I'm looking at what shows are playing one catches my eye.

Interesting, I'll watch it for a bit, see if it's any good.

After a while of sipping my coffee and watching T.V. I check the time. It's seven now and school starts in an hour.

I should make sure my bag is ready. Where did I put my bag last night? Right, it's in my bedroom closet.

I go to my room and check my closet for my bag. I grab my bag and check that I have everything for my classes. I have everything for my classes but I almost forgot my sketchbook and a book for entertainment.

I almost forgot my sketchbook, good thing I checked.
What book do I want? I'll have to see what books I have on my bookshelf.

I look at the books I have and pick a manga that I like and put it in my bag along with my sketchbook. I grab my phone and connect my bluetooth headphones to it, I grab my bag and head back to the living room. My cup is still sitting there so I put my bag by the couch and my phone and my headphones on the coffee table. I pick up my cup and head to the kitchen to put it in the sink. I then go back to my room and get dressed for the day, I decided to wear black skinny jeans with a gray shirt and a black hoodie over it. I go back to the living room and check the time, it's 7:10.

I still have time before school, I'll watch T.V. until 7:20.

At 7:20 I turned off the T.V. Grabbed my stuff, went to my car, and drove to school while listening to music.

I arrived at Underhigh, parked my car in the parking lot, grabbed my schedule and my stuff, and went inside the school. Underhigh looks like a nice school. It looks well-built and it's designed rather creatively. I can tell that some talented people go to this school because of the murals on some of the outside walls. As I admire the murals, I almost bump into someone.

 As I admire the murals, I almost bump into someone

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A rather interesting looking skeleton. I assume his name is Pj from the initials on his jacket.

Pj: "Hey watch where you're going!"
Y/n: "Sorry about that, I was just admiring the murals."
Pj: "Mhm."

Pj then walked off, probably to hang out with his friend's outside before class. I grabbed my schedule from my pocket and went looking for my first class. On some walls in the hallways there are beautiful murals of landscapes and animals. I marveled at their beauty as I passed. After a few minutes of wandering the halls, I found my first class, English.

Why does English have to be my first class? It's always so boring!

I walked into the classroom and looked around. The board said we could sit anywhere we wanted. I sat at the furthest desk from the teacher's desk. There was only a few people waiting for class to start. I got out my phone and put one headphone in and watched youtube.

Surprisingly the wifi is good and I don't have to use my mobile data for once. My old school wasn't so fortunate.

As I watched youtube, I noticed that people were walking into the classroom and finding a seat. I didn't pay them any mind until someone tapped my shoulder.

 I didn't pay them any mind until someone tapped my shoulder

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A skeleton with nice glasses and interesting eyes.

Skeleton: "Hello, I'm Dust."
Y/n: "Hi, do you need something?"
Dust: "N-No, I just wanted to say hello to the new student."
Y/n: "How do you know if I'm the new student? After all I could just be someone you never noticed before."
Dust: "Haha....I saw you marveling at the murals earlier."
Y/n: "Oh....."
Dust: "Heh, so what's your name?"
Y/n: "......Why?"
Dust: Shocked "I-I want to be y-your friend?"
Y/n: "Okay."
Dust: "So what's your name?"
Y/n: "It's not important, you don't need to know my name."

Dust then proceeded to stare at me in confusion for a bit until the bell rang and the teacher got up from their desk.

Teacher: "Hello class, my name is Mr. Dream. To start off the first day of school we will be doing an ice breaker game."

Great, just what I needed, social interaction.

Mr. Dream: "Please make a circle around the desks."

Everyone got up and made a circle around the desks including Mr. Dream. He was holding a foam ball almost the size of a baseball, it's a little smaller than a baseball.

Mr. Dream: "The rules of the game are as followed. You can toss this ball to anyone in the circle to ask them a question. The person who catches the ball has to answer the question before tossing it to someone else and asking them a question. We will play this game for most of the class period, let's begin."

And with that Mr. Dream tossed the ball to a girl and asked her name. She introduced herself as Skater Girl but prefers to go by SG. She tossed the ball to Dust and asked his name and an interesting fact about him. He introduced himself and said that he likes cats. He then proceeded to toss the ball to me.

Dust: "What's your name?"
Y/n: quietly "Y/n."
Mr. Dream: "Pardon? I don't think anyone heard you."
Y/n: "Y/n. My name is Y/n."

Dust was happy to finally know my name and I tossed the ball to someone else and asked for an interesting fact about them. This continued until the bell rang because Mr. Dream lost track of time. We all grabbed our stuff and headed to our next class. Dust caught up to me in the hallway though.

Dust: "Y/n, What class do you have next?"
Y/n: "Why do you want to know?"
Dust: "I want to see if we have the same class."
Y/n: "Alright, I have History next."
Dust: "Aw, That's too bad, I have Chemistry next."

And with that we went our separate ways to our classrooms.

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