Chapter 5 - Work

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Tw: mentions of puking

-Y/n's POV-
As I started my shift my coworker asked me to main a cash register, so I did. I worked at the cash register for most of my shift until I was asked to finish up the line I had and close the register. Another coworker told the people in my line that she could help them and most of them went to her lane.

After I finished with my shortened line, I went to stock shelves like I had been asked to by my manager. It didn't take me long to finish stocking shelves and so I helped sweep the floor with a coworker. We made it a little game for fun to see who could sweep the fastest and actually sweep the floor.

My coworker won our little game and we waited until it was close to closing time to mop the floor. While we waited we did other things like help organize inventory or clean the bathrooms. Once it was close to closing time we started mopping the floor and finished mopping soon after closing time. We then clocked out, said bye to eachother, and went our separate ways home.

I got home and felt nauseous, more nauseous than how I felt at lunch. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, hoping that I would be fine after. I was not fine, I ignored how nauseous I was until I couldn't anymore and I ran to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. I felt better after and got myself some water to drink. I figured I was probably dehydrated because I hadn't drank much water all day.

I watched T.V. for a bit and went to bed at 10 p.m. I had gotten home from work around 9 p.m. I slept for a while but I woke up from a nightmare around 2 a.m. I layed in my bed trying to go back to sleep for hours until my alarm rang. Now I can't sleep, I have to get up and go to school.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. After I made my coffee, I watched T.V. until my cup was empty. I put my cup in the kitchen sink and went to grab my bag for school and got dressed. I decided to wear a T-shirt with a shull design on it, navy blue skinny jeans, and a purple jacket over my T-shirt. I didn't zip up the jacket because I wanted to have my skull T-shirt showing.

I grabbed my phone and connected my bluetooth headphones to it and put them in my pocket. I went to the living room and set my bag by the couch and watched T.V. until 7:45. I went to my car and drove myself to school at 7:45. I parked my car in the parking lot, walked into the building, and went to my English classroom. I watched Youtube until Dust arrived and we chatted until class started.

We didn't do much in English today, we went over stuff we learned last year and that's all we did for the class period. When class ended I went to my History classroom and waited in my seat for class to start. Mr. Nightmare continued the lesson from yesterday but all we really learned today was the name of the country that invaded, the last fallen human's name, the King of monsters's name, what the humans called monster society while the monsters were banished, and what monster society was like in the underground.

The lesson was interesting and very informative. After class was over I went to my next class, Art. It was a little boring we went over skills that I already knew and I assume everyone else knew as well. Art was boring and when class was over I went to P.E. It was fun, we played four way volleyball to sharpen our skills.

I went to lunch as did everyone when class was over. I didn't get any food, I just sat down at the table we sat at yesterday. Fresh got to the table first followed by Papyrus and Dust and they asked me why I hadn't gotten any lunch. I told them I wasn't hungry and they seemed to accept that answer, for now. Alphys and Nabstablook arrived at the table with their food and asked why I didn't get anything to eat, I gave them the same answer as I did with the other three.

I heard my name being called and looked over to see Palette with his boyfriend, Goth. They walked over with their food and asked if they could sit with us. We didn't mind and we all chatted for the rest of lunch. Palette did inevitably ask if I had gotten anything for lunch. I told him that I didn't and that I wasn't hungry. He nodded at my answer and continued chatting with everyone.

I noticed that Goth didn't really talk much, he mostly talked to Palette or didn't talk at all, I guess he's shy. After lunch I went to Theater with Papyrus and Palette. We sat together and talked a bit before class started. Theater class was somewhat entertaining, but only because Mr. Mettaton is dramatic as hell. Otherwise class would have been boring.

I went to Magic class with Palette after Theater and Goth sat with us. We chatted and I got to learn what Goth was like. Goth is a very chill dude and a little shy when lots of people are around. It makes sense that he was rather quiet at lunch now. We got to learn about different types of magic in class today, it was mostly review for everyone else but me. I didn't really know this stuff, we also started learning about the different types of spells as well. It was fun and interesting. The teacher, Mr. Reaper, made jokes the whole lesson. It made the lesson fun instead of boring.

When class was over I went to Pre Calculus and sat where I sat yesterday with Papyrus. We chatted until class started and we did more notes in class today. Despite the bad morning, my classes were fun overall. School wasn't bad, today it was pretty fun.

I went home after class ended and put away my bag, I also got into some comfy pajamas since I don't have work today. I layed on my bed and watched Youtube until 10 p.m. I went to sleep at 10 p.m. Hoping that I wouldn't have a nightmare tonight and that I could sleep peacefully.

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