Chapter 3 - Theater

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-Y/n's POV-
As Papyrus and I waited for class to start we talked about our hobbies and things we found interesting.

Y/n: "Did you know you can eat dandelions?"
Papyrus: "I did. My brother, Sans, told me that you could once."
Y/n: "Huh, well did you know you can make honey out of dandelions?"
Papyrus: "You can?"
Y/n: "Yeah, It's pretty good."
Papyrus: "Have you made dandelion honey?"
Y/n: "Yeah, I have."
Papyrus: "That's cool. Can you make some dandelion honey for me?"
Y/n: "Yeah, but it's gonna cost ya."
Papyrus: "Oh no, how much?"
Y/n: "Heh, I'm kidding, Paps. It's not gonna cost you anything."
Papyrus: "I know, I was just messing around."

The door then swung open with a thump and the teacher walked in, strutting.

The door then swung open with a thump and the teacher walked in, strutting

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Teacher: "Hello class, my name is Mr. Mettaton."

Why is he so dramatic and fabulous at the same time?

Mr. Mettaton: "We will be doing something very fun today. You will be acting out your favorite scene from a movie or a show."

Oh, that's fun

Mr. Mettaton: "If you share a favorite scene with anyone else in this room then you can work together to act out the scene. You have twenty minutes to figure out what you want to do and if you need help then just ask me. I would be delighted to help. You may begin."

After Mr. Mettaton finished talking Papyrus asked me what my favorite scene was.

Papyrus: "What's your favorite scene?"
Y/n: "I don't really have one. What's yours?"
Papyrus: "You don't have a favorite scene?"
Y/n: "No, not really."
Papyrus: "Huh, well do you know Spirited Away?"
Y/n: "Yeah."
Papyrus: "My favorite scene is the scene where the girl and the light bow to eachother while the masked spirit just watches."
Y/n: "Oh, do you mean this scene?"

Papyrus: "Yeah, that's the one!"Y/n: "It's a nice scene

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Papyrus: "Yeah, that's the one!"
Y/n: "It's a nice scene. Do you want to act it out?"
Papyrus: "Yes!"
Y/n: "I think we might need a third person to properly act out the scene."
Papyrus: "Yeah, I think so too. Let's go find someone."

We then asked around if anyone would like to help us, but no one did. As we sat back down in our seats we started thinking of ways we could act out the scene, just the two of us and then someone approached us.

 As we sat back down in our seats we started thinking of ways we could act out the scene, just the two of us and then someone approached us

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A skeleton with star shaped eyes and and a neat hat.

Star-eyed Skeleton: "Hello my name is Palette. I heard that you needed help acting out a scene, could I help?"
Papyrus: "Yes, you can. Do you know the movie Spirited Away?"
Palette: "Yes, I do. It's a good movie."
Y/n: "Well we want to act out this scene from the movie."

I showed Palette the scene and he said that he would love to help. So we spent the rest of the time we had deciding who would be who and practiced what we were gonna do for our scene. When time came to act out our favorite scenes, our peers did great with what they had and my group also did well. Mr. Mettaton even said to my group that the scene we did was cute. After everyone acted out their favorite scene, Mr. Mettaton let us basically have a study hall for the rest of class. Before class was over Palette asked us what classes we have next.

Palette: "What classes do you two have next?"
Papyrus: "I have Culinary and Pre calculus after that."
Y/n: "I have Magic and then Pre calculus."
Papyrus: "Yay! We have Pre calculus together!"
Palette: " I have Magic next too, but I have to ask. Why are you taking Magic class, Y/n? Your human."
Y/n: "I'm taking Magic because I want to understand and practice with the magic that I have."
Palette: "Is one of your parents a monster? Or do one of your parents have magic?"
Y/n: "My parents are both human and as far as I know neither of them had magic. Also I'm from a different country, I recently moved here to this country."
Papyrus: "You're from a different country!?"
Y/n: "Yeah."
Palette: "What country are you from?"
Y/n: "Oh, I'm from *insert country here*."
Papyrus: "That's far away. Why did you move here?"
Palette: "Yeah, why did you move here? Were your parents looking for work so they came here or....?"
Y/n: "Oh.....I came here by myself."

Papyrus and Palette looked at me confused.

Y/n: "What?"
Papyrus: "Did you buy yourself a plane ticket and get a passport? Why did you come here?"
Y/n: "I came here to better understand how to properly use my magic and how magic in general works."
Palette: "But if you're human and your parents are human and neither of them have magic then how do you have magic?"
Y/n: "Maybe an ancestor of mine had magic and the gene just kept running in my family but it didn't show until it got to me."
Papyrus: "Magic doesn't work like that. You are either born with magic or not."
Palette: "Yeah, and unless your magic has been dormant until now then I don't know how you have magic."
Y/n: "I guess my magic has just been dormant for years then."
Papyrus: "That doesn't make sense either then, because I can't sense any magic coming from you. Can you Palette?"
Palette: "No, I can't. That's rather strange...."
Y/n: "Maybe my magic is just very weak, after all my magic has only been present for maybe two years now."
Palette: "Really? Well if that's the case then it makes sense. You probably need more practice with your magic for it to flow properly and to strengthen it as well."
Papyrus: "Yeah, once your magic is stronger then other magic users can sense it and determine how strong you are."
Y/n: "Oh....That's cool."

The bell rang shortly after our conversation ended and I walked with Palette to Magic class. Palette was very excited that we have another class together and I swear his eyes glowed from his excitement.

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