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Dark humor, inappropriate thoughts, blunt replies, no empathy, and crude jokes.

What you have just read, is an example of the way some of us, as firefighters, describe ourselves. It doesn't matter gender, race, sexual preference, or any other divisive way a person can think of to create separation. We, in the fire service, are a family and we use everything in the first sentence you read to cope and live in harmony with our crewmates.

You see, it doesn't matter gender, color, etc, we are a brotherhood and sisterhood that thrive on working through impossible situations, helping others, and keeping one another alive. We could have a situation at the firehouse where two people could be yelling at one another about something as silly as how to make coffee, but, when the tones drop, we are a cohesive team that will do whatever we need to bring everyone home safely.

The stories included in this collection will describe situations that you, as a reader, may think are rude or inappropriate. Your observations may be correct, however, we are used to voicing our thoughts to one another and the writings will expose some of those thoughts.

For example, In the first story, I point out that we discuss the teachers we think are cute, sexy, and naughty. Before you decide you want to get offended or self-conscious, just don't. All I am doing is putting thoughts and conversations into words. You have to admit that you have thought some pretty naughty things about others but have kept them to yourself. We discuss our thoughts with one another. It helps us not feel like we are alone and it strengthens the unity of the members of the crew.

Many times a female firefighter will point out a teacher the rest of the crew may have missed. She will then point out any male teachers she may have thought could use a closer inspection. It is all about communication and transparency.

This will be an ongoing collection of stories and I hope you enjoy them.

I have included some, Public Service Announcements (PSA's) in some of the stories too. They will be used as ways to educate and entertain.

Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on the terminology I may use.

Happy reading!


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