Dirty Daddy

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Kink can manifest itself in many ways. Something that may turn you on, may turn someone else off. Something you may enjoy may cause others to gag.

We, first responders, get the opportunity to encounter many memorable situations. Just like kinks, some people enjoy remembering, discussing, and re-telling situations. Others will try to rid their minds of the situation as soon as they can.

The firehouse is a house of stories. Stories are used to entertain, remember, and teach. Sometimes a story will do all three. The trifecta. The tale to tease, tempt, and torment those that turn ears toward the teller.

Recently, we have had quite a few calls that were rough. The situations and outcomes were not the kind we want and are tough to take. Although we are paid to do our job, no matter the situation, and not show weakness or vulnerability, we still have times when we let our guard down. However, those times are few and far between and we know the person or people we feel comfortable around in order to feel human.

Our rookie broke down a few weeks ago because of the rough calls. We, as a crew, did not bash or ridicule him. He was supported, encouraged to talk to us, and our officer sent him home in order to be with his wife. He told us later that he was able to talk with his wife about his feelings and emotions without revealing sensitive information about the calls. We are proud of the kid and will support him with our lives.

We still bust his chops and give him grief, if we didn't he wouldn't think he was part of the crew, however, we refrain from bringing up any situations that would remind him of those calls. Well, let me clarify. We will talk about those calls and calls that are similar, but, not in a joking or silly manner. They are discussed for training, learning, and healing.

We are not always insensitive jerks. A lot of the time we can appear that way, but not always.


If you try to tell us on a scene how to do our job, and that you pay our salary, you may see the insensitive jerk side appear unless our officer intervenes and handles the situation.

Last night we had shrimp scampi for dinner. It was delicious and we were able to eat and clean up the dishes afterward without getting a call.

With every good, uninterrupted meal there is a price. The price we had to pay was the call we received soon after dinner.

The medics were called to a home for a sick person. Once they arrived, they assessed the patient and then called for my truck for assistance.

We arrived on the scene to find the medics talking to a very large man.

The very large man was reclining on his bed.

The very large man was reclining on his bed and was upset that we were there.

The very large man who was reclining on his bed agreed to go to the hospital but was still upset we were there.

The very large man was reclining on his bed in his own feces and urine agreed to go to the hospital and was becoming irate that we were there.

Over the years I have come to the realization that putting Vicks under my nose before entering a stinky environment does not help mask the ick.


The previous sentence was not an endorsement of the mentioned product.

How I deal with stench is by inhaling deeply and slowly as I approach the scene. By doing this, I am able to allow my sense of smell to numb/get used to/deaden to the putrescence I am about to encounter. It doesn't eliminate the odor completely, however, it allows me to continue working a scene without hurling my innards everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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