Chapter 73:- Important part of life 🤎

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Sid:mom,you can't do this........Samaira is my responsibility and always will be mine

Sidharth said sternly and with a determination in his voice.Yes,Shehnaaz has become close to his daughter and son and very nicely taken care of them also but that doesn't mean he will give up his responsibilities and burden Shehnaaz with them.Most importantly who knows till how much time she will be there with them.One day she had to go, said his mind as it remembered Samaira's words.

Starting life with someone else

Smitha:Sidharth,I am not snatching your right nor your responsibility......I am just trying to help you and Samaira


Smitha:Samaira still isn't willing to talk to you ,sharing her problems is a far away you know if she really is comfortable or not? Did she tell you if she is really happy here or not? Did she share with you about her friends?,she didn't because she is still hasn't forgiven you, she isn't fully comfortable with you till now.....and most importantly,Did she ask you anything about Ruhi's death? Do you know if she is bottling up her emotions or not?


Sidharth's and Shehnaaz's both minds were blank.Sidharth didn't had any answers to his mom's questions because Samaira didn't actually had a proper conversation about them and today when she was having he pushed her away.Shehnaaz's mind was blank ,she didn't knew how she should react.All the things Smitha said were right but still was she ready for such a big responsibility?

Smitha:By giving Shehnaaz Samaira's responsibility I am helping both of you........Samaira will be able to share her problems, emotions with someone and Shehnaaz would help her with will also be assured that Samaira is atleast sharing her things with someone if not you,this way it will be helpful for you as well

Sid:mom but when will she share her problem,feelings with me?......when will she be comfortable......with me?

Sidharth's voice choked as he said those words .He couldn't help but feel helpless ,having his daughter infront of his eyes but still he can't say that she truly is with him.How complicated. But he has only done this.He and Ruhi is the cause of this .


Shehnaaz kept a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave a assuring smile but from inside she was also crying seeing his state.She knew he was trying his best to mend things but the damage was too big.Her heart pained seeing both father-daughter state.

God,how much more pain will you cause them?

Smitha:Give her time,bacha......she will understand and forgive you soon but at the same time don't stop making efforts........I am sure she will be comfortable with you soon,and now Shehnaaz......will you take her responsibility?

Shehnaaz nervously gulped hearing her and at the same time Sidharth looked at her.He didn't wanted to burden her but at the sametime knew that if there's someone with whom Samaira cam open up.It's Shehnaaz. He kept his hands on hers making Shehnaaz instantly look at him.His eyes also shone with hope just like his mother's .

Shehnaaz gave a small smile to him and nodded. She took a deep breath and replied.

Sana:I will aunty,I will take her responsibility
Sid:you are sure,right?I am very grateful to you that you agreed to mom but at the same time don't want to burden you........I don't want you to be caged in my family problems and ruin your life and career

Shehnaaz immediately put a hand on his mouth and glared at him.She was angry at him.One time, he says that she is family and the other time he says that he is burdening her with his family.

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