Chapter 2 Emergancy sitution

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" The kid already know, what is going on right now and at this point they all choice to. Stay home after hearing the conversation they, just had with the receptionist and know. That the situation is happening right now is scary to them so they, didn't even argue with them or even ask to, come along. So that made it easy for both. Of the parents so as, the kids finally went to bed while looking pretty. Exhausted , Mr and Mrs Rooney left. The house but was shortly interrupted by Their, oldest daughter Liv who look, as she is very,stressed at right. at the moment because her twin sister. Was just involed in. Car accident.

"Liv honey I know, that this or for right now and that your. Sister was in a horrible car accident but if there any news, we will let you know as soon. As we hear what the doctor says Karen said while. Having a conversation with her oldest daughter and grab, a small bag of stuff.

" What with the bags, mom said Liv"as she asked. Her mom. Are you guys going somewhere

" Liv we book hotel room,in Madison at the last minute. It near by the hospital your sister is at right now while now being admitted there, and where not driving, late at night so we won't. Be coming home. Till the morning and Maddie need's us. Said the sleep deprived women "while literally emotional, wreak right not so basically what I'm saying that. We are sleeping overnight, because we aren't go, to bed anytime soon as they hearing. Anything

" Ok but please keep, me updated said Liv",as she said. In nervous tone voice

" We will sweetie, but mom and I need to go now because it's getting latter. And the doctors can't be kept waiting because they, expecting us to be there right away. So we will talk to you latter Karen said.

" Ok goodbye mom", And dad I'll see you tomorrow.Liv said" and drive safely please

" Good night Liv we, will see you soon get so try to get sleep it late. Honey said Karen said"

"Good Night Liv, see you in the morning when we get home. We will fill you In as soon as we said Pete" as they both walking, out the door so just as there parents while carrying . There bags with them and left without no regret.

" An hour went by, quickly and the drive to Madison was pretty, easy considering the fact there was barely little. Of traffic this, time at night and by the, time they Finally reached the hospital it was 1:00 Am. In the morning so they drove into. The entrance of the parking garage they. Slowly pulled up, to a parking both:

" Honey I'm not paying, to park the car let's just find off. Start park said Pete"

" Pete I know, parking in the garage can get bit expensive. But I'm going park the car out in the open and walking at this, time at night you don't know. What's will happens that I don't fell safe out there let's just pay, the price of,the parking ticket and get our. Ticket and go find a space so we can park the car Maddie, needs use honey Karen said as she. Was talking t to her husband

" Fine you win, he sighed of disbelief but next time. We are doing it my way ok said Pete

"No what Pete I'm not arguing, with you on this Karen said". Let's not make this moment unpleasant.

" How can you say that, when our daughter is in the. Hospital while was just involved in horrible accident and she badly, hurt and now is pretty much struggling to survive. And will be barley recognizable while extremely, fragile, from the outside world I just don't. Want our little girl to die said Pete as sadness, washed over, his face and looks as if he's was about. To cry as his wife just sat there in silence, while just taking, in what her husband just said. She didn't say anything more So as they payed,for the parking, ticket they resumed to move. Along on what they where doing while trying to, find a parking, spot which didn't take them. That long to find at all because they decided to parking,in bottom, level of the parking garage so. That it will make.easier on them so they don't have, go far the poor parents, they must be a nervous wreck. Right now and I couldn't even imagine, what they. Are going through because. It's the baby so please be sensitive because they going,t hough a very difficult time right now. And need some time to, process what going on, right now Which is turned into a nightmare for the, set of parents right now, and are going through emotional. Karen told her sister Dana everything. And after hearing the whole, story in every, single detail. Beginning to end after hearing. It Aunt Dana was completely, devastated that her niece, got in terrible car accident. And was rushed to the hospital. Immediately and might not survive  through the. Night so she is praying, for a miracle that she end up pulling, through. She couldn't even. Imagine when she tells her daughter Ruby she will be completely? devastated after hearing the news. The news because it's her cousin and there. Really close so I might be hard fo her to take the terrible news, so Dana might not tell her right. Away because it might emotionally scare her young Daughter, so it might be sensitive topic. To even mentioned

" Way did this have to, be you Maddie cried Aunt Dana."As she is  going to literarily breakdown because her sweet, niece is fighting for her life right now. While struggling through her injuries from what they have heard, from the receptionist at the hospital. As her sister was on the phone like an hour ago. So they will keep Dana updated please don't take Maddie away,from us because she is too young to die. And had her whole life ahead of her I can't even imagine, all the pain and suffering she is. Going through right now

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