Chapter 12 The road to recovery part 1

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" So as time went, by Maddie is still has now woken up. Yet that the doctors believe that her body still is recovering from, the major surgery also fighting back from the sedative. They gave her which so so hasn't wore off completely yet they her mind is, not really fully alert yet because  after facing  the effects from the car accident so they. Ok Knowing that she will going slowly at her own pace so they are going to watch, the teenage girl so. She doesn't have any issues till then they tending to her needs, while making the poor girl by making her comfortable. As possible so she's barely In little pain is possible her kidney doctor Hannah Peter's, said her kidneys are. Slowly functioning, so meaning she will be needing dialysis. Till the full both kidneys functioning it's about 7:00 PM so she will be getting, dialyzed for the next 4 hours. So by time things get finished or will be very late so there hoping, she stays sedated long. Enough so not waking, up again in pain experiencing. Side effects from the drug or freak out in this whole situation, so basically doctor James Williams. Wants to keep her asleep because she not ready, yet so they will probably decide. To wake her up if the next day of thing's go to planned while, if any updates right now nothing. At the moment I so she basically sick and still, fighting her traumatic brain. Injury so Maybe she will be out of next 24 hour so the doctor extended, her dose and will check on Maddie. Every 2 hours just make sure she's ok.

" So as the night rolled into the, morning Maddie was. Beginning to wake up so as doctor noticed she was slowly opening her eyes that it was notified, by her doctor that was assigned to. Her and quickly come right away so as the male doctor came walking, into the isolation room. And while stepping inside he saw the young teenage girl half, awake and was feeling a wave pain, all over that it her incision that was numbness, all around that area that was. Intense that she was bit tired and it was hard keep eyes open so she began to cry in agony that poor, thing pretty much, couldn't bare it that. The male. Doctor know the nerve blocker Tap will, block the nerves in her stomach. That what, making it numb and will wear off  12-24 hours. That it's hurting her so the doctor put the teen girl, Tylenol which taken around the. The clock to relive. The pain if it getting worse they put her on a low dose of morphine, but not yet because just want. See if the Tylenol will kick in first while taking things slowly, because again she's on a lot of medications. So they don't want end up risking it so they want end up, playing it safe while drugs are. Out of her system

"     So as the next 24 hour's,as to a new day rolled. Around that Maddie started to slowly opening up her eyes, stir from her sedated state lucky. A doctor was walking by the isolation room and stop to page her's, who immediately came right. Away and quickly went straight into the room without any hesitation, before he could do anything. He slowly began to state his intentions and the male doctor told, her what he was doing so. There no starling reaction or response of confusion or Maddie end, up getting agitated because. They recently learned since after the accident she has been having, behavioral problems contacting with her tbi so that need's to be. Worked on along with her emotional outburst, and depression and anxiety mixed. In so ounce the conversation between him and patient was addressed, while having no lack of communication. Maddie remained perfect calm that was she relaxed, that doctor James Williams, Said that after taking her vitals blood pressure and said they, steady today next he took checked. Maddie's heart with his stethoscope moving it certain places, which didn't take long at all. And he think that her heart is beating is going at a steady  pace which, gave the doctors sigh of relief. Because she had, them pretty concerned for awhile. And believe Maddie would not had made it during the, surgery but she proved them all. All wrong while one her favorite nurse Fran walked. Into the private isolation room while the want thing the doctor did. She turned around after hearing het favorite patient  get, a bit nauseous and bit sick to her stomach so. The  nurse removed the breathing tube quickly, from her mouth and pulled a medium size basin, over near the bed sure and gently pulled the. Girl into her lap sit up right while holding the teen in her arms while , and as. she throwing up  into the a medium size basin bucket. And expecting it the side effect or adverse reaction from the medication which, is making her stomach upset.  So  her doctor decided to take Maddie off. It right away so as she was crying while finishing up vomiting, the nurse took her temperature with the thermometer and noticed  that Maddie was. Running a bit of fever and quickly got on it right away and after  she finished up wiping, her mouth  and began to helped pour a cup of  water while bring it to her mouth and began to take a slip of water which helped a little so they put, Maddie iv fluids along putting her on antibiotic because knowing that her  immune system is. Weak and hoping her  kidneys transplant, are still ok so doctor Emma Peter's believe.That she and the team of kidney doctors want to keep an on it the female doctor said they want Maddie to have two more dialysis this week because both her new kidney's are, going slowly and have not fully. Bounce back yet and believe they are going at there own pace because, everyone body function. Differently so they end up making the right choice and if that end up working and both her new kidney's start, function after the last dialysis they.stop that completely but that it that goes. All right plan they just see what happens so as they continued to, tended to Maddie medical need's. They think they since it been over 24 hour observation and are going, transfer her to the Pediatric intensive care. But are concerned her fever is still high and, want to keep an eye on it the last. Time as they took it her temperature was at 106 so the last thing, they want is her have a seizure. But that can cause it luckily they say anti seizure medication is at a leveled dose and she hasn't had one over 2 weeks, now but they still don't. Want speak to soon, because she can not of the blue so they want to. All think positive right not so as her doctor took, her temperature again he. Side a breath of relief because it's been over 2 hours and her fever, finally broke it was now at 98'7 which. Normal in body temperature it got all the doctors relived because it made, scared for awhile and now believe's that she will, moved into the next 5 hours by slowly. Making progress since she first be hospitalized and the doctors, say she is going in while. Awhile till is deemed to be moved or is strong enough and they, know that's she not quite there. Still is weak, by needing to get her strength But she will eventually getting there

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