Chapter 4 Inside the icu

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" As Maddie parents, left the hospital for the time. Being until they are aren't able to visit Maddie right not which its now very. Difficult for there whole family at the moment because they fell, bad for her right now and that they. Can't see her right now so they both went on there way to the, hotel so they can get some sleep. While schedule at appointment with a therapist this week, while deal with the difficult situation they are in. Right now

" meanwhile in inside , of the Icu"unit".

" Maddie looked ,completely messed up and damaged.that the girl they ounce, knew is gone her blond hair was. Half shaved. When the doctors had to make in incision in, order to have neurosurgeon operate. On her brain while after experiencing significant damage so he worked remove part her brain while try fix a good portion of brain but they know it did not work and she will experience so long term effects from it while possibly being physical disabled, with mental difficulties while during the surgery it's looking like from they say during the X-rays she both has  a broken arm and leg so the doctors and nurses had to operate to fix the damage the found that both them where completely shattered so they work tirelessly to fix the bones that are damaged in both limbs which took while but they managed to be a success so they doctors made mold of both her limbs so they can begin casting on us that was done they began to put both her arm and lag in cast that are hanging  now in a sling along after the doctors decision they think it's best Maddie will have to start physical therapy to help straighten her injuries slowly start  heal on there own along with many other  her othe injuries, they are healing slowly on there own and now being wrapped bandages. In in many places including her head which left wound, a size of hole and is still healing. While having multiple. Scars bruises the amount blood transfusion's give her, the blood that she lost from the accident. Which is now hoping the blood transfusions are keeping her alive but is still in pain while, doctors say when she is completely unresponsive. And is experiencing fair amount of pain, so they have put her on a strong. Pain killer while giving her muscle relaxant's to ease tension, that her face would tense up. In pain that tears would stream down her face that all the nurse's felt bad while having hooked on too many machines, and tubes and wires and iv's too count. And pretty much fragile looking in a critical. Condition and is pretty ill. While having some complications earlier this evening. That is making all the doctors and nurses very concerned, and are on there toes they believe. She might not wake up and go into vegetive state while being in the hospital for awhile. But I'm the other hand the doctors says if she does wake up, from the coma and regain consciousness. There a possibility and a small chance of survival  that it's , slim chance of making it if there. Was a miracle along with complications one of the doctors said she suffered a cardiac arrest during surgery, along having other complications and issues so she pretty much struggling. At this point so they have monitor Maddie, in her case will be receiving  247 care because. Because she's currently not making any progress right now and, is head in the wrong direction. So she is still basically fighting for her life poor girl i wish there's, a way this wouldn't have. Prevent in the first place and she would be home. Right now with her family but nope that didn't . Happen the doctors decided she needs to be put on dialysis right away because clearly after , from the impact of the accident what they just said her. Kidneys are not functioning at this point and are not coming, Back and pretty much gone she. Will have to
Immediately. be on dialysis 3 days a week which is Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's, for 4 hours too dialyze filter out, both Toxins and waste and her. Blood this is until she is well enough to have a double kidney transplant, moving on her both of lungs are weak and went to respiratory distress so the doctors had restarted her lungs and while, working tirelessly as they where. Able to get that under control they had to put Maddie on ventilator,because she can't breathe on her. Own while having many issues  so she is in rough shape, as of right now so nobody. Cannot see Maddie right now maybe if she makes progress in next, couple days or so she will be. Allowed visitors so as the beeps the machines sounded in middle, of the night as she lied in big hospital bed. Looking tiny as the doctors are trying, go piece by piece so they try put. Hey back together slowly because the doctor's says she'll have, spend months in the hospital. And after that she will be sent to our rehabilitation facility, so you help her with everyday. Needs but for right now we have to see if ever recovers because, it going to be a long process.  Maddie  lied completely unresponsive, while being hooked up the. Ventilator helping her breath is giving her oxygen into her lungs, it will help them heal slowly. By right now. There still very weak right now so that the doctors have monitor her because the situation. She in it touch and go at the moment and is still very, sick her major organ all have crashed during. While being in surgery that her body. Started crash that the doctors said she died on the operating table so they fighting bring Maddie back it took awhile but they managed to, restart her heart and able to get heart beat  along with a pulse. But the doctors noticed right away that they not strong after resuscitate her which alarming. The whole medical team that they  have to keep eye on that along her blood pressure, it is completely unbalanced that they had put. Her on blood pressure medication  just to keep it steady so basically she on Ace inhibitors along bata. Blockers now the doctors step down. So the drugs can kick into her system because a lot more, will end up killing her so they have it take or course but will be check on her every 2 hours making, sure she doesn't not any other complication. Along along being coma and unresponsive the doctors, said Maddie didn't respond to. Little as much Stimuli judging by the test shown, as the doctors where saying so she is. Pretty much hang on a tread but Maddie is a fighter,and is going to prove them all wrong.

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