༺ღ༒Special Chapter༒ღ༻

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Author.G: i am so sorry about the last chapter but i was very brain storm about it and that happened i am so sorry about that everyone the jing about the caps i am not angry just happy that he was innocent, but this chapter will be at the end of chapter 2.6 about it they went to the cafe buy some drinks and some cinnamon buns, but....(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ


Financier:let him be chip, he said he does not want to -_-

Wildberry:financier is right... clotted cream does not want to, just dont you dare do anything stupid plan about making clotted cream eat cinnamon bun... you did that day with financier even though she does not want it...

Author.G:this is the fllashback from that day celebration....



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(Author's POV)

Eversince the incident of the sirens was over and getting their friends back, well lets just say... the end of the chapter 2 is not over yet ._. I mean literally... ok lets go to the cafe!!

"Sir you wanna eat some cinnamon buns?" Financier ask clotted cream

"Ah.. its ok, i am not that hungry" Clotted cream said and chip gasp

"oh, is it about that bread you ate that morning?" Yarah said and clotted cream nod

"wait, he ate some bread?" Financier was confuse

"yeah, some toasted bread with eggs and bacon" yarah said and financier went ohh.... Chip's paws tapping financier hand and so does wildberry

"Guys we need to make clotted cream eat cinnamon buns" chip whispered to both of them... lets just say... wildberry doesn't seem to be liking it...

"we can't... financier is a body guard to clotted cream and i dont like this idea, but i am not joining in" wildberry stared at Chip with an angry face

"fine" chip was mad too..... they all went back to the cookie realm as the ancients and their children went back to their kingdom, as yarah stayed in the creme republic since clotted cream and yarah had a strong bond relationship.....

(Chip's POV)

I need financier to help me with this operation code CC, i did convince her to help me •₩•


"Please! Please! Please!" I was annoying financier cookie to join me on this operation

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