Part 2

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James POV

James and the rest of his friends (basically the marauders along with lily, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas) had just started eating when he looked up and noticed someone staring across the great hall at him.When he met the striking pair of grey eyes he realized it was Regulus Black. He paused, staring back for a second, wondering why Regulus was staring at James. Usually during meals he was reading or glaring at Crouch.

James wondered how he knew that. Does he usually think this hard about Regulus? Anyhow he's probably just thinking about how much he hates gryffindors. James knew that he did because he's yelled it at Sirius. James was still pondering the mysterious stare when it was time to get up.

James looked back up to see if Regulus was still staring but he was instead glaring heavily at Crouch. Why does he hang out with him anyways? Even though Sirius said all those bad things about Regulus he didn't seem that bad. Whereas Crouch on the other hand...

"Hey Prongsy , you comin?" Sirius called back as James realized that everyone else had already gotten up from the table and were heading to the dorms.

"Sure am mate! Just waitin to see if you'd leave me here." James lied.

Remus laughed and rolled his eyes as Sirius responded dramatically, "I would NEVER, old prongsy boy!"

-time skip-

While James slept he dreamed of those grey eyes. Why did they haunt his dreams like a secret being kept from him? Like water miles away while he was stuck in a drought. The same expression on the face that accompanied the eyes. A far away expression, like one stuck in a fairytale.

There was a red fox as well. James couldn't tell if he was hunting it or not but he felt the urge to chase after it just to prove something. Yet that same face, those same eyes were always steering James away and towards, well. he didn't really know. But it went over and over again like that. Then the dream faded to black and then suddenly the sun was seeping through the curtains and it was time to get up.

James grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his chest, scrambled into his jeans and pulled on whatever pair of shoes was closest. While the they were heading to class (the marauders had overslept and missed breakfast), Moony was scolding Sirius, Peter and James for sleeping in.

"God you all are so irresponsible, haven't you slept in enough over the summer? And we have McGonagall's class first too, you know she is particularly strict about this sort of thing!"

"Aww don't worry Moony, Minnie loves us!" Sirius said kissing his boyfriend on the forehead.

"Nock it off, you two!" James said. "No lovey dovey stuff in front of me and Peter!"

"Well if you two weren't single than you wouldn't have to experience it!" Sirius joked.

"Oh, you know Lily's bound to say yes soon! She's practically in love with me!" James retorted back.

Peter snorted and Remus just full on laughed at him. James ran away mock offended and ended up glancing down an empty hallway.

And you would never guess who he find sobbing, head in their knees right in front of James...

None other than Regulus Arcturus Black.

his best friends brother,

whom his best friend hates,

who haunts his dreams,

who he couldn't seem to get out of his head for some reason.

Sorry for the short chapter just wanted to end on a cliff hanger :) Btw sorry if this is really bad im trying.

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