Part 4

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Regulus's POV

The rest of the day went by in a second, barely even lasting. Regulus didn't talk to anyone in his classes and thankfully he didn't have any classes with James. As he walked back to his dorms Regulus's brain registered what happened. He had cried in front of James Potter. James fucking Potter. No, not just cried but sat in his arms and let him comfort Regulus. Let him hug him. What his parents would think...

Suddenly he bumped into someone and his stuff fell out of his arms and onto the floor. Regulus stumbled backwards, almost falling before strong arms grabbed his shoulders and caught him. (ik this is cliche, ik. Thankfully I love clishe's ;))

"Oh, uh, so sorry about that." Regulus said, kneeling down on the floor to pick his stuff up.

"Don't worry about it, Reggie!" Said a snarky voice that was all too familiar. Regulus looked up and James Potter smirked down at him.

"Oh, it's you. I'll take back that apology than." Regulus sneered in a cold tone his parents would be proud of. An expression flitted onto Potter's face immediately, something like hurt? But then his face went straight (lmao straight suuuuureeee) back to that cocky grin.

"No takesies backsies, baby black!" He winked.

"Sure there are, I just did," Regulus stated as coldly as before and stepped around James to leave. He hesitated, then stopped and said, "And don't call me that, Potter. It's just Black."

-time skip by like 10 mins-

As Regulus walked into his dorms Barty looked up.

"Sooooooooo," he asked vaguely.

"Sooooooooooo, what?" Regulus said sarcastically, though he knew just what he was talking about.

"So, where were you during potions?" he asked seeming actually concerned. Then his mood changed, "What, off snogging someone?"

"Barty, you know I'm gay."

"So? Never specified that person's gender." He smirked.

"Yeah but there are like no gay boys at Hogwarts."

"Awww don't worry reg, you still have me!" he joked. "Besides, we would make a fine ass couple."

Regulus glared at him for a second and then relented.

"You're right, we would." he said, stroking both Barty and Regulus's egos. They then turned off the lights and fell asleep. Regulus, too tired to stay awake any longer and Barty too smart to argue. But, as he was slipping into sleep Barty mumbled something.

"What?" Regulus said loudly.

"I said you were probably with Potter!" Barty practically yelled. "I don't know what you're talking about, he's definitely not straight."

"Oh shut up." he mumbled.

"Really?! You don't want to hear about the times I've caught him looking at you, just all zoned out, practically drooling? Sure."

"I'm too tired for this." Regulus argued in a tone so quiet Barty probably couldn't hear. Yet as he fell asleep he found himself thinking of that weirdly perfect face. Why did those eyes, that hair get caught in Regulus's mind. He knew he was gay but Regulus hated Potter. He stole Regulus's brother from him. A voice in Regulus's head tried to tell him that at least Sirius was safe, away from their parents but he refused to listen. And besides, what Barty said couldn't be true. At least he didn't think it could. I mean Regulus had never seen James stare at him, and James was too obsessed with Evans for him to be anything other than straight. Right? Regulus told himself there was no way, and plus why did he care anyway.

It's not like Regulus had a crush on him.

Sure, reggie. Sure. Anyways sorry if this chapter is a mess there will be some jegulus soon. Also I wanted to say if you r reading this, love you. Like I actually appreciate u all sm. Have a nice evenin or whateva time it is 4 u.

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