Part 7

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James POV

James realized as he woke up that his arms had unconsciously wrapped around the younger boy as they slept. He quickly started to untangle his arms and ended up waking up Reggie as he did. The pale faced boy looked up, his eyes still closed, hair messed up and seemed to realize who he was next to.

"Oh, erm, sorry." He apologized as he scooted away from James.

"Um, it's fine," James said, both boys very flustered about the way they had woken up.

"Thanks for last night. It, well, it helped." Regulus said after regaining his composure.

"Of course, Reggie! Anytime! And remember, you agreed to meet me here again!"

"Ugh, so I did, Potter. But not every day, I have quidditch." Regulus said begrudgingly.

"Okay, Reggie! But, um are you ok? Like you know... with the whole you know who stuff?"

Regulus simply glared at James and got up. "See you tonight, Potter. 7' o'clock. Don't be late. And don't call me that."

"Wait! Reggie!" James started but the boy was already out the door and headed down to the great hall.


As James walked down the hallway to breakfast he saw his friends and immediately ran over.

"Where were you last night Prongs? Off snogging some girl?" Sirius joked.

"Nah, I only have eyes for my Lily Flower. You know that Pads!"

Definitely only Lily. James definitely didn't sit down and immediately eye a certain slytherin 6th year. Definitely not.

As he was sitting looking at Reggie he felt eyes staring at him from behind. He turned around and Remus was staring at him. He cocked an eyebrow. "We'll discuss this later." The werewolf whispered looking between Regulus and James in a very knowing manner. James flushed red.

"I dunno what you mean." He lied.

"Mhm, sure, sure."

James ignored that particular comment and kept staring at Reggie. He was so beautiful. His hair a dark ebony, curling around his ears perfectly. His cheekbones so sharp they could make someone bleed. Preferably James. And his hands, oh his hands. Each finger adorned with rings, gripping a book they looked, well, they looked like a piece of art. That's what Reggie was James supposed. A work of art. And my god his-

"Prongs!" Sirius said sharply, getting James's attention finally. "I've been calling your name for a straight five minutes, what is up with you?!"

"Oh, erm, nothing."

"Oooooh does Jamessicles have a crush?" Marlene cut in, wiggling her eyebrow.

Glancing at Lily, blushing, James quickly corrected her, "Nah, don't worry Lily you have any competition!" Definitely not. None, Slytherin quidditch captain or no. Speaking of quidditch...

(Time skip)

"Ok you all! First game of the season is in a week! We gotta be ready, we're gonna practice hard, so we can play hard! Got it?!

"Got it!" The rest of the team yelled. But right as they stepped out into the field to practice a voice cut him off.

"Slytherin booked the field for today, bug off."

"No can do, for that offer. Unfortunately we're wizards not bugs." James retorted, turning around and then realizing who it was.

"Potter. Fuck off." Said Regulus. "I'll explain it slower for you. We. Booked. The. Fields. Today. Slytherin, that is."

Flustered, James accidentally said, "Ok!" The entirety of his team groaned as they walked off the field. In fact his team complained and complained so much that when they got to the common room Sirius was still complaining.

"Why'd you have to do that Prongs."

"Well, I just thought it was the nice thing to-"

"Why'd he have to what?" Remus cut in. "What'd he do this time?"

"Well someone," Sirius explained looking pointedly at James. "Gave the field to Slytherin as soon as Regulus asked."

"Hmm, as soon as Regulus asked, huh?" Remus inquired, staring at James.

"Yeah!" Sirius exclaimed indignantly. "Can u believe that!" Sirius continued to complain as Remus pulled him away toward the dorm.

"Keep it PG!" James yelled after them. Sirius flipped him off.

"Soooo," Marlene said while sitting in Dorcas's lap. "Regulus, huh? Why were you so eager to give up the field for him? Specially cause they're who we're playing next Saturday."

James flushed red as he sat down. "Well,you see it's just-,"

"We get it." Dorcas said. "You like him. It's ok." She kissed Marlene's head.

"I just, I, well, he could never like me. And Sirius-"

"I'm sure Sirius can deal with it." Dorcas said reassuringly.

"Plus if he doesn't, he'll have me to deal with." Marlene added. "Love him, but he'd have me to deal with. Plus, how could Regulus not like you! He's like, fifty percent less mean when you're around."

James felt strangely comforted at Marlene's threats toward his best friend, he felt they were good people to know about his crush. They had been through the whole "figuring out your gay" thing before.

"Thanks, like a shit ton. I needed this." James thanked them as he got up.

"And James!" Marlene called out.


"Don't be a wimp. Tell him." James smiled and nodded but secretly knew he couldn't do that. Regulus had just agreed to hang out with him occasionally. He couldn't ruin that by dropping the "oh by the way I find you ridiculously attractive" bomb. He just couldn't. There was no way Reggie felt the same.

As James got into bed he was still thinking about his impossible situation, and the last night in the astronomy tower, and Remus's knowing looks, and all the things Dorcas and Marlene had said. He truly didn't know what to do.

This was a feeling he realized he hadn't felt for a long time, he realized. Not since first or second year with Lily. The other years had just been so much pursuing of her and the idea of her that the feeling had faded. But now the feeling was back again. Just for a different person. The most unexpected, beautiful, amazing person ever. And James realized that he had to treat the feeling differently this time. So that it was real.

Anywayyyyys. Tried to get to 1000 words again but didn't have to energy so we got 997 or smthn. James talking about Regulus >>>>
Someone talk ab me that way plsss I beg. Lmao anyways it like 3am and I have to wake up "early" tmr. Last thing, started a muggle AU wolfstar story soo if u wanna check it out first chapters up.
Have a good day/night!

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