To Survive: Part 17: Class Trial: Learning More About Whitty's Death

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[Have another Danganronpa-Based song to replace the Gacha picture. Again, sorry for no picture in this part or the last part. I just couldn't think of a good one, so whenever that happens, I'll just put music in the chapter instead]

Ruv: What!?

Scourge: See!? He did do it, after all!

Ruv: No, you're wrong!

Pinkie Pie: So that's how you would twist the argument and send us all off in the wrong direction!? You possess a most terrifying talent...

Ruv: [Thinking] Damn...! If I don't do something, they're gonna blame me for the murder! Don't they understand? If they convict me, everyone's gonna die!

Sarvente: Hold on. It's still too early to decide conclusively that Ruv is the killer, wouldn't you say?

Espio: Until we unravel that little mystery, you simply can't declare that he's the killer.

Sarvente: Besides, there was also something bewildering about the room.

Scourge: Bewildering? What the hell are you talking about!?

Sarvente: We saw something crazy on not just the floor, but also a certain little piece of paper. You know what I'm talking about, don't you, Ruv?

Ruv: [Thinking] Something crazy on not just the floor, but also a certain little piece of paper... That must be the crucial point. If we can just figure out what that something is... [Outloud] Of course! There were drops of blood on the floor!

Benjamin: S-so... M-maybe the m-murderer just forgot to clean it up...?

Ruv: I don't think it was the murderer who made that blood! It must've been there beforehand! And if I were the murderer, I would've definitely cleaned it up! 

Dawn: So that means you are saying that the blood was there before the murder happened, right?

Blaze: I think so.

Knuckles: Okay, but still, why was there blood on the ground in the first place?

Blaze: That's something that still needs to be figured out.

Benjamin: S-so d-does th-this all mean that... R-ruv i-isn't the killer...?

Amy: But are you sure we can decide something so important based solely on some drops of the blood the ground?

Sarvente: No. There are other reasons that prove Ruv couldn't have done it.

Dawn: I would like to hear these reasons...

Sarvente: Do you remember anything remarkable about the bathroom at the scene? Whitty was attacked in the main room first, then fled into the bathroom, right?

Pico: Yeah, then they ran after her, got into the bathroom, and stabbed her.

Sarvente: And how did the killer get into the bathroom? Did they have any trouble with it?

Dawn: What do you mean...?

Sarvente: It's fairly certain that the killer had some trouble getting into the bathroom. There was clear evidence left behind. Do you remember, Ruv?

Ruv: [Thinking] The killer struggled getting into the bathroom. And the evidence that proves it is...the object the killer broke. You're talking about the doorknob, right?

CJ: Huh? The doorknob? What doorknob?

Ruv: The doorknob for his bathroom... It was completely broken. [Shows everyone a picture of the broken doorknob] See how the top part was unscrewed, and the doorknob's about ready to fall off?

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