Part 1

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Ben and Miranda finally agreed on custody of Pru with Dean's parents. Pru will live with Ben and Miranda full time and her grandparents will get her every other weekend. Neither one will have exclusive holidays. They will all spend them together as one big family. They will spend Thanksgiving at the Millers and then Ben and Miranda would host Christmas since they had the boys. They will alternate houses for all the other holidays and her birthday.  

This was the perfect arrangement for both families.  However, one of them is going to be a little annoyed with the three year old for just being a child. 

It has now been two months since Pru has come to live with the Warrens and Miranda was completely in love with Pru. Even though she did not give birth to her the two have become inseparable. Pru was completely attached to Miranda's hip and anywhere Miranda was Pru wanted to be.

Miranda would take her to the hospital daycare, so that she could spend time with her during her workday.  She made sure that she had lunch with the little princess every day and Pru looked forward to it. 

Today Miranda got caught in a long surgery and was late going to lunch. Pru would not eat with the other kids because she wanted to wait for Miranda.  

When the other kids were finishing up their lunch and cleaning up  Pru began crying because Miranda had not made it in time. The Staff tried to get her to eat  but she just kept crying almost making herself sick.  

When Miranda got out of surgery she immediately scrubbed out and ran to the daycare. As she got closer to the daycare entrance, she could hear the wails of Pru.  She clutched her chest because it symbolically hurt her heart to hear the sound of her baby girl crying that way.  When she appeared at the door and called Pru's name the child turned her head and immediately got up from her bean bag chair and ran toward Miranda yelling and crying 


Miranda bent down and scooped her up, holding her tightly against her chest swaying back and forth saying,

"I'm so sorry for being late baby girl"

Pru laid her head in the crook of Miranda neck and began to calm down. Miranda had no more surgeries for the day, so she took her back to her office where she had a little play area for her. They ate their lunch and after Miranda did paperwork as Pru played with her toys.  After awhile Miranda could see she was sleepy so she laid her down on the sofa  putting the pillows on the floor just incase she rolled and fell off.   

While finishing up for the day. Miranda's phone rang.  She smiled when she saw her husband's picture pop up.

"Hi baby" she answered.

"Hey, my love, what are you doing?" Ben replied 

"I am finishing up some paperwork and me and baby girl will be leaving soon"

"How did Pru do at daycare" Ben asked

"Well I have her here in my office now because she had a bit of a melt down because I missed our lunch time".

"Miranda we talked about this. She needs to be able to stay in the daycare with the other children"

I know, I know, baby it was more for me. My heart couldn't take her crying and I was really late and she was so disappointed.   I did paperwork while she played with her toys and now she is asleep

"Asleep damn it.   It's almost 6' o'clock Miranda.  If she's asleep now she will not go to bed at a decent hour tonight, and I had pl........Ben was cut off by the overhead intercom.


"Um baby I have to go. We will see you when we get home"

Miranda grabbed her white coat and asked her assistant Carol to stay in her office and watch Pru until she returned.

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