Part 4

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Ben got out of the shower and dressed in the bathroom. He walked out to find Pru and Miranda sleeping.  Pru was on his wife's side and Miranda was in the middle of their large bed with her arm around the child in a protective manner. 

Ben was glad she didn't put Pru in the middle because if he couldn't be in his wife at least he could be holding her.  Ben walked over to the bed and got in behind his wife. He instantly snuggled close behind her, putting his face in the crook of her neck. He inhaled deeply and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Ben found himself alone in bed alone. No Pru. No Miranda.  He turned to look at the clock on the nightstand.  It was almost 10:30.   He sat up and stretched calling Miranda's name.  There was no answer.  He wondered where she could be. He got up out the bed and went into their adjoining bathroom.  There, he found a note.

 Good morning honey,

I know you do not like waking up in the morning alone on your days off. However, I promise it is for a good reason.  I made breakfast and left yours in the microwave. Enjoy, I will be back soon. 

Love Miranda 

Ben read over the note again and placed it on the sink.  He got in the shower and used Miranda's favorite men's body wash for him. He got out and wrapped a towel around himself.  He cleaned up his goatee and brushed his hair.  He brushed his teeth and made his way back to the bedroom.  

He went to his drawer and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and a T shirt.   He sat in the chair and moisturized.   He chuckled because Miranda has truly rubbed off on him.  Before he met her, moisturizing was not something he prioritized but now, he can't do without. 

He dressed and went into the kitchen. He opened the microwave and saw the bacon and pancakes she prepared.   He heated up his plate and made of cup of coffee.  Sitting down he silently blessed the food and thank God for his life.

While eating. his thoughts went to last night.  It certainly did not go as he planned.  Tuck was a little older than Pru is now when he and Miranda started dating and he never interrupted their time together as much as Pru did last night.  

However, he loves that little girl.  She has brought so much joy to their household. His wife has been the happiest he has ever seen her, and the boys adore her. 

He chuckled to himself and said.  "But I swear if that little cock blocker does not go to sleep tonight........He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the front door open.

Miranda came in, closed the door and made her way to the kitchen.   

"Hey honey"

"Hi Baby"

"Where have you been?"

"I had an errand to run" 

She walked over and took a piece of his bacon off his plate.

"Where's Pru?"

"Uh, she's with Andy and Vic"  

"Yeah? Why?"

"Well, I decided that she needed to spend some time with her aunties.  She woke up and no longer had a fever.  So I called and asked if  one of them would watch her tonight.  They decided to have a slumber party together at Vic's"

"You did? Wh..why?" he stuttered

Ben took a sip of coffee and almost choked when Miranda chewed on the bacon and  nonchalantly said,

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