Part 2

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The small intimate family sat down to eat dinner together.  Miranda and Ben talked about their day all while making sure Pru finished her food.

After dinner, Ben told Miranda he would clean the kitchen while she got Pru ready for bed. Miranda took Pru out of her highchair and let Ben kiss her goodnight. She carried her to their bathroom to give her a bath.   After letting her play in the water a little while she bathed her.  She let the water out, stood her up and wrapped her in a hooded terry cloth towel.  She carried her to their bedroom and finish drying her off.   

She laid her on the bed and started to lotion her little body with baby oil and baby lotion.  Pru giggled while Miranda moisturized her body making Miranda smile.  After she was good and moisturized Miranda put on her favorite cow printed onesie pajamas.

Miranda led Pru to her own room and told her to pick out a book for her to read. Pru ran over to her little pint-sized bookshelf and picked her favorite book about cows. Miranda giggled not knowing where her obsession with cows was coming from.   She sat in the rocking chair Ben got for the room and lifted Pru up to sit on her lap. 

Miranda began to read as Pru laid her head on her chest.  After about 4 pages in, to Miranda's surprise she was asleep.  Miranda gently lifted her up and placed her in the bed.  She covered her up and kissed the top of her head and quietly walked to the door to switch the room light to her nightlight.  She waited to make sure she wouldn't stir.  Satisfied, she was good and asleep she left out closing the door behind her but leaving it cracked a bit.

Miranda walked to the kitchen where Ben had finished cleaning. He was now pouring wine into two classes.  He was also making popcorn in their new popcorn maker. He already had their living room romantically set up with the lights off and her favorite scented candles burning.  He had one of her favorite Star Wars movies cued on the big screen television.

She came up behind him giving him a hug to his back.   She slid her hands under his shirt in the front and gently scratched his chest. 

"Um... hey baby is she all tucked away"  

"Yes....she's sound asleep"  

Miranda inhaled deeply taking in her husband's scent. 

"Good" Ben replied

Ben suddenly turned around to face Miranda and leaned down to kiss her lips. She placed her hands around his neck and kissed him back.

"Baby I've missed you" he said against her lips

"I've missed you too."

Ben reached down and grabbed two hands full of her ass pulling her closer to deepen their kiss. Miranda deeply sighed feeling dizzy and aroused from his kisses and touch.  Ben sucked on her bottom lip and pulled it gently with his teeth. 

" know I love you" 

"Yes, baby you show me all the time" she whispered

"I'm glad you see that, because I truly do and tonight, I'm going to show you just how much"

"Okay but I'm also going to show you how much I love you loving me" Miranda said seductively. 

"Come, on let's go get comfortable in the living room" Ben replied.

He gave her a few more pecks on the lips and squeezed her ass one last time. He motioned for her to pick up the wine glasses and he grabbed the popcorn.  He poured it in a bowl, added some butter flavored salt and then they both headed to the living room. 

Ben sat the bowl of popcorn on the end table next to the sofa and sat down.  He reached for the blanket from the back of the sofa and laid it across his lap.   Miranda handed him a glass of wine and sat down next to him situating herself under the cover as well. 

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