Part Six ~ Is This Love?

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It was six in the morning and David was wide awake. He was nonstop watching his first love like a hawk, making sure she was sound asleep and getting all the rest she possibly could. He always feared that she hadn't had a good night's sleep since the miscarriage, and that broke him into a million pieces. So with every second of his time being spent watching over her, he tried his best not think about that thought, and what happened the night prior. He was worried. More so than he ever had been in the past, especially about her. She was going to kill herself, and he knew that if he didn't show up when he did, it might've been too late and that thought made his stomach turn more than ever imaginable.

A few hours had pasted and Winona finally woke up, and much to her surprise, she felt safe and content. She hadn't felt this way since she found out she was pregnant, and this feeling worried her, mostly for the fact that she hadn't been feeling safe or content recently, especially when she was alone, but instead of letting her fear get in the way, she did the next best thing, fall into David's arms once again.

"Mmm good morning" she said, wrapping her arms around David and leaning her head on his bare chest.

"Good morning" he said, planting a small kiss on her head and a playing with a small strand of her hair that had fallen out of place. This brought a huge smile on Winona's face, which had been the first genuine smile in months.

He hadn't seen her smile like this since the pregnancy and truly he wondered if that's all it took to fix her problems. By simply just being there for her in a time of need. He deeply regretted not doing so in the past, so he made sure to be doing so now, especially knowing what price he'd have to pay for it, and he did not want to pay for it.

After a few long hours of cuddling, the pair finally got out of bed and changed into some normal clothes then headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

After watching her watch him for the entirety of his breakfast making, it was no secret that Winona had started gaining feelings for him again. Mostly because of the way he held her, the way he watched over her all night to make sure she was okay, and most importantly the way he cared for her more than any other man ever did. This simply made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world, until she remembered just how unlucky she was, but that didn't change the whole hearted fact that she wanted him back more than anything. But of course, she had her doubts on his feelings and if they were mutual. She wondered if he felt the same way. Did he want her back? Did he want to try their relationship again after everything that happened and what they lost? She hoped so, and that small glimpse of hope made her suddenly feel better, or better enough to eat whatever he started cooking in the kitchen.

"I made you some pancakes." he said while looking over at her and smiling, "I know it's your favorite."

That made her smile.

He remembered her favorite. She didn't think he'd ever remember all the small details about her and the things she liked and disliked and even the silly little things that drove her crazy. She didn't think those ever really mattered to him, but she was wrong, because he did in-fact remember every little detail about her because all those small details about her did matter to him, because she mattered to him.

"Thank you, it looks and smells amazing." she said while smiling at him. She was in love, again.

"Of course, anything for my favorite girl." he said with a small wink in her direction then a gentle kiss on her forehead. He was in love too, but he was worried about moving things too fast, only for the sake of her mental health. He didn't want to rush her, despite his own personal feelings. He wanted her when she was ready to give their relationship another try, but little did they know, they're both ready for their second chance at love, but afraid to admit it and not just to themselves, but to one another.

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