Part Seven ~ Epilogue

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Two Years Later

"Ugh, not again." David said quietly, while simultaneously rolling onto his back, trying to ignore the sound of their daughter's faint, but also very loud cry from the other room. Winona was sound asleep, which is exactly how he wanted her to be, even though he hadn't had a good nights sleep in months. He didn't mind. He didn't want her completely and utterly exhausted, like she was nearly two years ago. He never wanted to see her that way again, so he did everything he could to help her with their new baby, even if that meant getting up every few hours for feedings and diaper changes.

Their daughter was almost seven months old at this point. They had been married for almost two. After a long while, they finally admitted their undeniable love for one another and dated again until he popped the question, only leaving them to get married and soon after, attempt for another child. When they found out she was pregnant, it worried the both of them. What worried David the most is was knowing that if they lost this baby, she would return to her horrible mental state, and it would be even worse than it was previously, because it would've had to have meant that she wouldn't be able to carry children of their own.

As he got up to feed their daughter, his wife, who he thought was asleep, awoke.

"Shhh honey, go back to sleep, I've got the baby."

"Mmm, let me help you." She said, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

She wanted to help with the baby because after all, she always wanted to be a mother and everything that came along with it, so because of that, David couldn't stop her from helping him every now and then. He loved spending that little extra time with just the two of them, even if they were both exhausted.

"Alright fine. I can't stop you anyway." He said, while letting out a small giggle as he watched her fumble herself out of bed.

David grabbed her hand and walked to their beloved daughter's room, who was still crying with pure hunger.

"It's okay, daddy's got you." David said, while gently picking up his small babygirl.

That made Winona smile.

David smiled back at her with their daughter nuzzled up in his arms, and it wasn't until then that she realized she was in complete awe of them. She didn't think about how much she could love two people, until they were right in front of her. She absolutely adored their new little family. It warmed her heart knowing she had the most perfect, loving husband, and father, and she had the cutest daughter because of it. Everything she had ever wanted was right in front of her and each day that went by, the more she loved every second of it. She knew that if she had her two favorite people by her side, she could get through any obstacle that came her way—whether it was her weekly therapy sessions or figuring out what to wear on her next date—she knew that she would always have someone there guiding her along the way, and that alone, made her feel true happiness and comfort.

After several therapy sessions later, Winona did get out of her own head, for the most part and instead of listening to her horrid thoughts, she followed herself into her heart, because there lied the two things that not only saved her, but gave her life meaning...

True and unconditional love.

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