Chapter I : A Languid Mist

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Rain can be put out as a boon to nature, a stop in the hectic schedule to us humans, For Me, It was my only companion which lamented in my place. 
                                                                  Spiritless and suicidal.

This is how i was described by my own self, being called as a "Textbook Loner",   "Outcast" , "Freak" and whatever else I could hear when people started ranting about my solitude.

Every time I see rain, it feels as if I get a cloak to conceal all traces of my hollow soul. The Dirge I sang in my heart, when I lost the only person who offered me happiness was inexpressible, it still is , even though I know everyone faces this at one point or another. That feeling when you lose the only ray of hope you had left was gruesome. I was the most immature kid at that time of 13 at that time. "Cliché" is what many would say at this point of time but, it's not much of a movie when you don't experience a happy ending.

But for now, let's get to the part which i always get nostalgic about.

" A summer each year makes us glow." That's how it was for me four years ago ; cheerful sparkling with ecstacy, hanging out with my gang, 'typical band of the beatles' is what the locality would chatter about us, no one knew the kernel of the puzzle though.

we weren't just chums, we were also the leaders of the four divisions, each of us had to lead one group of our peers to prevent other gangs to trespass in our turf. When and if, people come, they would go with broken hands or legs, we'd be fairly beaten too, but violence for me was the only form of intoxication I'd endure all day. Bloody face, calloused knuckles and hands, was how our undertaking went on, without any traces of it, or so we thought. Finally, we had reached the tip of the iceberg, we got flagged by our own seniors. We had no choice but to become their dogs.

Months passed away, every minuscule thought was about our flashback, how we had to break our own people. I finally got sick of this shit, wanted a breather. So I resigned from my post, (which was the biggest law-breaker.) Which seemed like I was digging my own grave; my whole team ganged up on me .
                                                 " It's better for me to lay off."
This was the first time I fell into the abyss of pessimism. The only way for me to refuse my tangible present was to embrace solitude.
My childhood was short-lived. This incident was the only thing I could think of after I got shattered into pieces. These fragments fell into an empty space, and never returned back to me. After I got a hang  for computers, I found a thing,  second to the person,which could "Replace" my happiness . Anime. 
[ All the readers cursing me right now.]

"Every Sakura bloom brought the mist I wanted to coexist within me."

Hello Life, Goodbye.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora