Monochromatic Pixels.

16 0 0

The futon I slept in had the impression of the sky getting tore apart into pieces.

I'm a 17 year old, shut- in, textbook techie, loves gaming, and of course , has a huge collection of Anime, way better than school right? Or so I thought, when I walked outside my room after two months, I saw my sister. The first words I hear from her were -
                                              "Ah miete, ore no kimoi onii-san wa ni-kagetsu mai ni, ano heya ne deterunda. sore wa kimochi warui, ore wa omae ni kao wo dai kirai da." ( apologies, if there is any mistake with my Japanese..)

                                            " Oh!. Look, My freak big brother came out of the room after two  whole months. ugh! your so ugly, why do I even get to look at ur face?"

Introduction:    Hanabi Jin
                               15 years old
                               Hates me to the core.

                                               " Oh, Warui."

                                          ~  " I'm....sorry."

I rushed back to my room. I started to hyperventilate, fell down, and was entirely unconsious.
If you thought this would be a melodramatic story, You're wrong."

The next day, I woke up in the afternoon, the sky outside was grey like me, emotionless. Suddenly, a gustling wind came on my side, I saw three boys from my school "Midori International High". I never was motivated or happy about life, but for that one moment, when I saw the boys and looked at the sky, It was the most vibrant blue i could see within my lifeless eyes.

April 25, 3 days after this staggering incident, I felt like I wanted to go to school again. 

Dressed up, buttoned up my shirt with my fastened tie, I went to the school, which I hated to the core, well eventually, I got beaten up right before my school started by the most annoying delinquent I got in to some trouble with before, Maeda.

Introduction: Maeda ( I don't know his family name)
Around the same age as me
Childhood friends, But then I got ditched, then betrayed.

As I was parting ways with the school for the last time, I got stopped by my English Literature Teacher, Naoto-sensei.

                                                  "Chotto matte, Tada-kun. Anata wa anata no kurasu ni totemo okurete imasu."

Introduction: Naoto Hirano
25 year -old
Calls me "Tada-kun" as he considered me good at English Literature, Immense respect for Him though. Always treated me like a younger brother.

                                                       "Demmo, ore wa ie ni khairimasu."

                                                       "Damatte ike."

OH, I almost forgot, he's the typical 'good cop , bad cop' guy.

He hit me softly in the forehead, it felt so light and free, that i levitated with the sudden optimistic urge to go to my class.

                                                                    [  Class 2-D  ]

The footstep i took ; the shrill creak which resonated throughout the class, made everyone look at me with hateful intent.
 I went to the only seat in the class which spotlighted in my eyes, the last bench, next to the window, where I once was, pondering over the nature of time, flowing towards the sun's horizon. I felt relieved after the past 4 months..

Hello Life, Goodbye.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora