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He baffles me. To no end.

This creature of complete generosity, and unselfish love makes me wonder how it is even possible for him to have stayed single until now.

He has so very little, and yet what he has he gives out to the ones he loves.

He comes home everyday with treats for both of his nieces. "Pasalubongs" he calls them. A chocolate bar, a sugar coated donut, or a stuffed toy he bought at the sidewalk on his way home. Simple gifts, but bought with the sweetest of intentions.

He never misses out on handing money to his younger sister everyday before going to work. Money that's intended to pay the bills, or buy their everyday food. Although his sister offers every now and then, he sternly declines and warns her to save up for emergencies since she has two growing kids to think about.

The way he packs food for his father, always taking extra care to remember adding a fruit for dessert is too simple an act that only he can complete with such love and care.

He also makes it a point to check on his younger brother, a kid no older than fifteen and seldom speaks, to make sure his school work is finished and without any mistake though he has tons of work waiting for him is adorable in my eyes.

And yet, there's still more.

I've seen him cut portions of the food they have on the table every time we sit down to eat. He takes a large serving of everything, and gently places it on my plate with a smile and a shy "Eat  before the food gets cold" has me thinking that he values me too.

The clean, freshly washed linens and towels, the best plate and cutlery, the most presentable blanket not to mention his own bed... all offered to a stranger like me.

How is he not taken!

I overheard him talking to his father the other night. How they were hard up on cash... and yet that did not stop him from welcoming me into their humble abode, from taking care of me, from wanting me to stay... with him.

I started putting little amounts of money in his clothes, his closet, or his portfolio. Letting him think he overlooked the stash he hid there on his way to work. So far, it is working quite well, and he does not suspect a thing.

For some reason it stung to hear him say that our marriage was nothing but an accident. It sounded like he found our contract to be burdensome, a big discomfort.

I know I should be happy that he is doing everything he can to dissolve our marriage, but for some inexplicable reason... I find being tied to him a welcome situation.

"Any news on the pastor?" I asked as I helped him wash the dishes.

"Nothing yet. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I know you're trying your best. Truth be told, I'm quite happy it's taking a bit longer. I enjoy being around you and your family."

"Is that so? Well, you're most welcome to come visit any day. Even if we're no longer married... I would still want to be your friend."

"Just a friend."

"Is there a reason why we can't be just friends?"

"I was hoping there could be more. I've seen how you take care of the people that matter to you. I want to be one of those people."

"Oh, like a brother? Fine, a family member you shall be then."

I had to roll my eyes at how slow he was at picking up clues. Maybe that's why he was still single.

"Hey bro, you know anything about martial arts?" Brent came in holding Sandie in his arms as she tried to reach out to pinch my cheek.

"A little. Why'd you ask?"

"I was hoping you could teach me a thing or two. I could earn a bit more if I offered a few self-defense courses on top of my gig as a gym instructor."

"You got it. Anything for you brother in-law." I nodded.

"Thanks man. Faith will be happy to hear I have a plan to earn more. We're saving up on a small food truck business you see."

"Hey, not a bad idea. I've got connections. I could probably help you set up. Just tell me what you need, and when."

"Really? That's awesome! Thanks bro." He patted my left shoulder, then left Hope and I alone again.

"You really shouldn't make empty promises you know. People might expect."

"I don't intend to leave here without helping your younger sister, and her husband find a way to earn on their own, Hope. I've seen you struggling. You're too proud to ask for help. You're not the only person they can run to for help... they have me too. I am afterall your better half."


"Say the word Hope... and it will be permanent. Just, say the word."

"Stop kidding around, and scrub harder. There's grease on the lid of that pot." He chuckled, clearly uneasy with the present topic. I let it slide.

For now.

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