Chapter Four: A Long Awaited Call

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Rayn Bradshaw

"You should definitely come to Timothy's party this Friday. You could wear that cute fitted dress we got over the summer," Lenny chirped in the car. I found it difficult to focus on her blabbering as Mikal sent me quick heated glances. With the mention of a dress, Mikal looked up through the rearview mirror; his eyes darkened from the night. I froze in the back seat. The heat from his fingertips still radiated through my body from our previous interaction. I wanted to squirm or look away, but I couldn't. I frowned at him, hoping to discourage any further glances.

"You think Weston Gibbs is going to be there? He is an absolute dreamboat," Lenny swooned. Weston Gibbs, son of Preston Gibbs, the frenemy of our fathers. But Lenny's statement was truthful. Weston is handsome. Unlike his father, who played football, Weston plays baseball. He plays catcher, and if all goes well, he will be the new captain of the team. I'm praying he does, so the softball and baseball team can continue their partnership this year. 

To maximize practicing, we would have a few scrimmages between the teams. The baseball boys didn't mind the change-up, often using it to try new plays and ideas, while we used their batting and base running skills to better our fielding. It was a beautiful partnership. 

"What do you think about Weston?" Lenny questioned, turning around in the passenger seat to look at me. I noticed Mikal looked up in the rearview mirror too. 

"He's a cool guy. I've spoken to him a few times," I replied. Lenny rolled her eyes while Mikal's eyes locked back onto the road. 

Lenny exhaled, "Of course, he's a cool guy. No one that hot isn't. I'm asking if you think he's attractive?" It's not that I needed to think about my response; I just didn't want to admit my thoughts of Wes. 

Pretending to be nonchalant, I replied, "Yeah, I guess; I could say Wes is attractive."

Lenny's eyes widen, "Ouuuuuuuuu, you called him Wes! What's the tea? Does he like you? Are the two of you close?"

I frowned, "We are cordial. I think he's going to be captain of the baseball team."

Lenny shrieked, "That's so freaking cute! Both of you will be captains. And your fields are so close to each other. Afternoon kisses between practices would be so cute!"

I felt my frown deepen. Lenny was always overtly enthusiastic about my interaction with boys. Nothing was going on between Wes and me. We were friendly toward each other. I'm not even sure he saw me as a girl, much less found me attractive. Nor do I think I would be his type. 

I've heard boys on the baseball team drool over the cheerleaders and the dance team girls. They didn't want masculine athleticism in their girls. It wasn't that the softball girls were ugly. No, it was quite the opposite. My team consisted of beautiful girls with amazing personalities and fit bodies. Physical attractiveness was not the issue. The idea that a softball girl could wield a bat just as good or even better than they could, bothered them. Their need to be superior was greater than their ability to see beauty in girls who played a similar sport.

"I don't think I'm Wes' type," I stated, pulling Lenny out of her dream world. Lenny frowned, "Well, his loss. I swear men can be so blind. If I had a body like yours, I would make out with half of Mikey's team!'

Mikal scowled, "Your body is fine the way it is, Lenny. But I'd rather you not interact with any of the idiots on my team. I don't want to fight anyone for messing with my sister."

Lenny grinned, "I know. I'm just saying, with a body like Ray's, I would be invincible to men." I shook my head at her crazy statements. My body was not anything special since I was on the chunkier side than most girls. Inheriting my mother's genes meant everything was just thick for me. Over the break, I even went up a cup size. Thankfully, playing softball kept me slightly toned, but I still felt fat around Lenny and the other girls. 

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