Chapter Six: Sweet Pain

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Rayn Bradshaw

I frowned. It was midnight. I'd waited until after nine at my house for Mikal, before getting my dad to drop me at Lenny's to wait for him there. I'd sent text messages and even called him but received no reply. 

Lenny stayed up with me until about eleven before heading to bed. Now, I was in the Parker's movie room at their home, binge-watching Disney movies. The movie theatre was the closest to the garage entrance. I knew Mikal wouldn't walk through the front door at this time of the night. I wanted to be up to curse him out for standing me up. I was even tempted to wake up Auntie Mikah and Uncle Hayd as punishment for being an asshole. I huffed at the thought. 

During my movie, the slight creaking of the door opening alerted me of Mikal's return. I sat up, crossing my arms. Mikal was going to feel my wrath. The door swung open, and Mikal stumbled in. 

"Hey, asshole!" I fumed, but Mikal took a look at me. He had a busted lip. His shirt was torn, and he was drunk if the glassiness in his eyes was of any indication. 

"Just fucking great," Mikal murmured. He steadied himself before closing the door. I frowned at his comment. 

"You missed our meeting to get drunk?" I asked in disbelief. Mikal brought his hand to his forehead. He was rubbing it as if it would magically get rid of his drunkenness. 

"No, Bradshaw. I missed it because I was a bit preoccupied with my life becoming a shitshow. Now lay off me," Mikal snapped. He swayed towards the mini-refrigerator, trying to get water. He struggled to keep himself balanced and fell to the floor. Sighing, I got up from the couch and headed toward him. 

"From here, you look like the only shitshow," I mumbled, grabbing the water and giving it to him. Mikal accepted it, quickly opening and drinking it. Mikal clumsily got up from the floor. He had his head titled back and his eyes closed. 

"Why are you shitfaced so early in the school year? You haven't lost any games since the season hasn't started. So, what crawled up your ass tonight?" I asked. Mikal lifted his head, a frown etched beautifully on his face. Even intoxicated, he was gorgeous. 

"You were always a master at being a pain in the ass, Rayn," he whispered, his eyes locking with mine. Those green eyes, which reminded me of forest trees on a wet day, locked onto mine. The room froze. This is how it felt between us: as if time paused. 

"Celeste cheated on me with Jamie. I found out a few hours before we were supposed to meet up. I blacked out. I beat the shit out of Jamie and drank everything I could get my hands on to burn the image of them fucking out of my brain."

"Fuck," I exclaimed, lost for words. Mikal leaned against the wall. He huffed, closing his eyes for a bit. 

"Are you okay?" The words spilled out my mouth. Mikal's gaze returned to me, but he didn't respond. His eyes just took me in. I shifted under his gaze, becoming very aware of my attire. I silently cursed at the decision to wear my satin silk short pajama set. It was my favorite pajama set as it had 'Princess Pitcher' on the top. It was a few sizes too small, but it was still very comfortable. 

"Ray," Mikal whispered. I swallowed deeply at the sound of my nickname coming from his lips. The way he said my name, I knew there was trouble. The tension was thick in the air. 

"Don't!" I ordered, but Mikal just smirked. His eyes raked my body. His gaze lingered longer on my chest. I folded my arms, trying to hide from his gaze. 

"Just a taste, Rayn," Mikal pleaded. His eyes were soaked with desire. I could feel his words caressing my flesh. My body wanted him, but this was Mikal. This was the boy who hurt me more than anyone else. I couldn't give into him. Not again. 

"Kal, don't," I protested, but I knew I messed up when his eyes darkened at the sound of his nickname. He pushed off the wall towards me. Before I could escape, Mikal's hands were cupping my face, and his lips crashed down on mine.

The world around us erupted. Kal's lips were rough against mine, consuming me. I shouldn't want to taste him, but his scent mixed with tequila clouds my better judgment. I kiss him back. It feels like electricity moving between us. Kal deepens the kiss, thrusting his tongue to meet mine. Eager for his taste, I pull him closer to me.

Kal's body feels hard against me. His hands drop from my face to my hips. His touch ignited sparks we thought had disappeared years ago. I run my hands down his chest, and Kal groans into my mouth. The sound vibrates against my tongue, and I withhold the moan dying to slip away from me. 

"So fucking sweet," Mikal whispers between kisses. The room is quiet, besides the sounds of our ragged breaths. Kal devours me as he directs me toward the couch. His tongue plays against mine. They move against each other demanding control. A game Kal is winning as he pulls us down to the sofa. He wastes little time grabbing my thighs and pushing me towards him. I groan, feeling him against me. The pool of wetness between my legs craves him. 

Kal pulls away from me and curses, "Fuck." He tilts his head back and wraps his hands around my waist. I'm stunned as he stays still in silence. From the rise and fall of his chest, I can tell Kal's trying to even out his breathing. Realizing this is a mistake, I try to get away, but Kal's arms tighten around me. 

"Don't move, Ray. Please," Mikal begs. And I listen; I can hear the desperation in his voice. He needs this moment. He looks back at me and says, "Stay with me. Just like this. I need you, Rayn."

With those eyes staring at me and pleading with me, I nod. Kal relaxed. He laid us down on the couch, never releasing me from his embrace. I could feel all of him on my skin. His scent and the sound of his breathing sang me a lullaby, and I fell asleep.

The tight warmth around my waist awoke me from my sleep. The shine from the screen I left on offered me enough vision to distinguish the outline of Mikal's sleeping figure. Even in the dimly lit room, Mikal's facial features shone through. I was tempted to trace the profile of his face with my fingers. 

"Forget it ever happened, Rayn."

The memory clouded my brain. I quickly pulled away from him and away from the couch. Mikal shifted to his side, but he didn't wake from his sleep. 

"Just forget about it. It never happened, Rayn," I whispered, trying to calm my nerves. The sounds of Kal's soft snores filled the room. The memory of our kissing came flooding back to me, and my eyes swelled with tears. Stupid, Stupid Rayn. 

Unable to withhold my tears, I walked out of the theatre room and to Lenny's bedroom. She was sound asleep. Slipping into the spare bed, I forced myself back to sleep. Forget about him, Rayn. He won't remember this in the morning, and everything will be fine.

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