Chapter Thirteen: A Dangerous Game We Play

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Rayn Bradshaw

Kal: I need you. 

Three words. Those three words were so simple, but they were heavy. Kal was coming over. He knew where I was. I was predictable. School. Practice. Home. Rarely did I go outside of that order. And there were no excuses to give him. My parents were out for the night. It was their monthly sleep-out date night. As a child, they would leave me by the Parkers, but when I turned sixteen, they allowed me to stay home without adult supervision. The house was empty, and Kal probably knew that.

Nerves bubbled up inside of me; I knew what the words meant. I knew where this would go. I knew it. Nervously, I took a shower. It was a trainwreck of shaving. Thank God I went to that Brazilian wax appointment with Lenny last weekend. I scrubbed my body until I felt clean. It seemed ridiculous since this wasn't the first time Kal and I had sex. We explored the art at fifteen. It was a clumsy teenage mess, but it was sweet. I mean, once I got past the pain, Kal left me after it. 

It was still a sore subject for me. Kal held all the cards in his hands, and it terrified me. He had the answers to questions I was too afraid to ask. He knew how to manipulate my body to his pleasure while I reeked of inexperience and frustration. It annoyed me how little control I exerted in this deal. 

I heard footsteps nearing my room; there was zero cause for alarm. It was Kal. He knew the code for the house, he knew where my room was, and he knew the house like it was his own. I lathered the last bit of moisturizer onto my hands. I'd given my body the works. Both the room and I smelled as sweet as a field of Night Jasmine. I was in my bathrobe, opting against underwear since Kal planned to discard them anyway.

The door slowly opened. My eyes took in his appearance; Kal was in a forest green hoodie, grey sweatpants, and crocs. His hair was curly and damp. He was fresh from a shower. The practice probably ended early. He opened the door wider and came inside, closing the door behind him. "Hi," I whispered. I'm not sure why I did. Something in my heart felt it was what Kal needed. His expression softened. He wasn't smiling. His eyes were heated, not just of sexual attraction but something else. 

"Hey," he replied, shoving his pockets in his pants. It was slightly adorable, and I held back a smile. Some things never changed. It was a comfort thing for him, an action he did when he felt unhinged from his stable place. He looked around the room. It was his first time in my room in years. Not much had changed, but he still soaked it in as if it was his first time seeing it. 

I took him in full as he gazed. His shoulders were tense, and his eyes were hallowed, almost empty. He stood there, power in his stance, yet an air of powerlessness shadowed him. It was why he and I were the closest. Lenny was and always will be my best friend, but Kal and I read each other like a book. We knew each other better than anyone else did. And it's why I stood up from my vanity and walked towards him. He froze a bit. He seemed unsure of what I was going to do. His protective walls shot up, trying to block me out. But this wasn't a war I was going to lose. I knew how to weaken him and make him vulnerable to everything.

His eyes locked on mine: green met brown. They danced a silent tango in the deafening silence of the room. I uttered not a word, just looking into those beautiful eyes, radiating pain. Shyly, I smiled at him. Then, I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and embracing him. His scent, which was already intoxicating me, sent my senses into overdrive. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me further into him. 

"Bad day?" I asked softly. Kal nodded, bringing his head down into the crook of my neck. I feel him inhaling me. His body relaxed slowly against me, but he didn't say anything. He just held me in his arms. His thumbs brushed gently against my back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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