Chapter Eleven: Unchartered Waters

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Rayn Bradshaw

I fucked up. There is no other label for it. I succumbed to the pleasures Mikal Parker gave to me. Now, I'm his plaything for Senior year. I astronomically fucked up. Even if I wanted to bury the memory into the large chest of memories concerning Mikal in my subconscious, I couldn't. Mikal was beaming brightly around the school. He was roaming the halls like a King, and his eyes sought me out like a predator to its prey. Not to mention the sexy smirk he offered when our eyes accidentally met through the halls.

Thankfully, Len was too preoccupied with swooning over Wes and his interest in her to notice her twin sending me heated gazes throughout the day. Apparently, Wes asked for her number, and they spent all of yesterday messaging. She babbled about how smart he was, his messages, and how they planned to video call later tonight. Sadly, Kal's stares distracted me from the finer details. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms, the thickness dwelling in my throat, and the adrenaline rushing through my veins, waiting for the moment Kal touched me again.

By lunch, Len and I settled into our regular seating. A few other girls Len hung out with were rambling about Timothy's party. The sudden mention of the event sent flashbacks of Kal between my legs in my mind. I bit back the surge of guilt and pleasure. My phone buzzed next to me. I picked it up, hoping it may be Ty. Sometimes he would text me during his breaks. I looked forward to his messages.

Kal: Thinking about me, Ray?

I stopped myself from looking over to his table, embarrassed he would see the flush in my skin. How did he know I was thinking about him?

Kal: I know you are. Biting those sexy ass lips. Meet me in the lab in five minutes. If I don't see you, Bradshaw, I'm coming to collect you myself.

I felt my palms become sweaty as my heart rate picked up. It felt like a drum was beating profusely inside my chest. Kal wanted to see me. Why? Of course, it was a part of the agreement. Whenever the other wanted it, the other showed up. But at school?

"You ok, Ray?" Lenny asked. She and the other girls looked at me with concern. I nodded, trying to swallow the saliva stuck in my throat.

"Yeah, uh," I started, collecting my stuff from the table. I stood up, trying to leave. "I just need to use the bathroom before class," I continued.

"Need me to tag along?" Len offered, standing up too. I waved my hands, stopping her.

"No. I'm ok. I'll be right back."

Len looked a bit hesitant about sending me alone, but she nodded. I felt guilty about lying to her, but what was I supposed to say? No, you can't tag along because I might fuck your brother in the chemistry lab? Yeah, that's not the best way to break the news to her.

I gave her a weak smile before speed walking out of the cafeteria and towards the lab. The Chemistry teacher was on maternity leave, so her classroom was abandoned until a sub was provided. I'm not certain how Kal got his hands on the keys for the lab since the room was usually locked. I didn't linger on the thought since I was nervous about what Kal wanted.

Turning into the entrance of the lab, I realized just how abandoned the hallways are. I pushed open the door, entering the cold room; the door clicked back into the frame behind me. The lab was empty. Slowly, I walked around the room, carefully avoiding anything that may crash and alert a teacher of my trespassing. I was halfway through the room when the storage room door opened, revealing Kal. He was smiling at me, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Reminds me of old times. Except, I'm making you sneak around," Kal smirked. I rolled my eyes. It was a joke our parents often told about how I coaxed Mikal and Haylen into adventures that often got us into trouble. I was a terror as a child. Hellish, my mother would say. Then, one day, things changed. I saw Tyrus in a new light, and I admired his boldness and exemplary calm nature. People flocked to him. They respected him. When he spoke, people stopped, listened, and savored his presence. I wanted that. So, I worked for it. I practiced endlessly until the practice became a habit. But, there are always a few moments with Lenny I lose it. A scream, a bad idea, or an urge will appear to do something reckless. Like right now, the desire to be impulsive with Kal tempts me.

"How do you have the key to this room?" I asked, ignoring how devilishly charming Kal looks. He was dressed in grey sweatpants, a white tee, and his Varsity Jacket. The air smelt of him. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms. It seemed warm.

"Mrs. Watson gave me a spare last term to work on my project after school. She never collected it back," Kal responded, smirking. His teeth and lips were unfairly perfect. It was probably the best combination of straight white teeth and full lips; I wanted to kiss him. God, why are you taunting me.

Kal shoved the keys back into his pockets before he captured my hand. His warmness met mine, and I repressed a shiver. Kal led me towards the storage room. It was dimly lit but adequate enough to see the shelves of bottled plants, books, and discarded posters. Kal led me to a desk tucked in the corner. He wasted no time lifting me up to the desk.

The warmth of his hands against my skin sent a shiver down my spine. Embarrassed, I prayed Kal didn't see it, but he smirked. He leaned his head in. I could feel his breath against my lips as his fingers traced soft circles against my waist. My heart almost erupted when his lips met mine. Kal moved closer to me, separating my legs for him to stand between them. His kiss blinded me to everything. There was just the softness of him urging me towards him. His scent, a hint of subtle spiciness, overpowered me as my hands clung to his shirt; his tongue traced the line of my lips, begging me to open to him. I did.

Kal's hands roamed towards my hips, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his erection meeting me where I wanted him most. He groaned, feeling the warmness emitting from me. He didn't have to ask if I was aroused. He knew, and the idea of me wanting him plunged him deeper into me. His tongue danced hungrily against mine. A push and pull. A game of dominance, but it wasn't much of a competition as Kal was winning. He kissed me as if I had something worth taking. He sucked hungrily on my lips, almost as if he was draining me of something so valuable that he'd die without it. It wasn't rough. No. It was desperate and soft.

Kal's hands slipped under the basic white tee I wore effortlessly. Impatiently, he pulled my bra to the side, his fingers meeting my breast. I gasp, feeling his rough skin against mine. Kal's hands weren't severely calloused, but he had enough practice nights to develop hard hands that drove me insane against my skin. I broke the kiss, tilting my head back to enjoy his fingers. Kal's lips met my neck. He trailed kisses up and down my neck as his hand massaged my breast.

With Kal, I forgot everything. I forgot about where we were. There were no worries about softball championships or wondering if I'd ever be as good as Ty. Would I be able to play professionally? None of that mattered when he touched me as if my body was his personal temple to explore.

Kal sucked on my neck, pulling a moan from me. I felt like I was short-circuiting next to him. The feelings were overwhelming. The pleasure. The hatred. The calmness. The rage. With Kal, there were always passionate emotions flowing between us. Now, things were contradicting, and neither of us understood why we needed the other.

Kal's phone rang, crashing both of us from our high. Kal froze, his grip tightening on my breast. His hands slipped away as he stood up. He took his phone out and glanced at the unwanted caller.

"Fuck you, Joshua," Kal cursed, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

Joshua Hunt is Kal's best friend and teammate. We all went to the same schools our entire life. He's a pretty cool guy but very reserved. He only hangs out with Kal or his girlfriend, Evelyn. Evelyn is nice. She's a part of the drama club, and Joshua supports all of her shows when he can. They're the weird couple that is disgustingly adorable. All of their social media posts are of each other, and it's enough to make you hurl in envy.

He looked back at me. He leaned toward me. His hand slipped back under my shirt as he readjusted my bra back into place. He tugged slightly on my top, ensuring everything was back into place.

Hie eyes met mine. Desire flood through them. But a hint of regret. He had to go. Of course, he did. It was school hours, and we were close to having sex in the storage room. I returned his gaze, sending a look of understanding to him. I guess it reached him because he leaned down and pecked my lips. He helped me down the desk before we left the room. But Kal brushed against my hand for a moment before we went our separate ways.

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