Bonding - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As Bae and IRyS kissed.. They finally separated their lips.. As both of them looked at each other and laughed.. At that moment, they didn't even know if they were in love or not.. They were just happy to have each other's presence really.

" Wow.. I never thought I would actually kiss you. Properly.. "

IRyS said as she gazed at the rat girl.. She couldn't stop smiling at her. Because she was genuinely happy just to have Bae by her side. She wishes that they could stay this madly in love forever.

" What a beautiful girl. "

IRyS whispered as she fixed Bae's hair and put it behind the rat's secondary pair of ears.

" Sounds crazy.. But I still don't have your number. *Chuckles* Would you be so kind HakoTaro? "

Bae got up and kissed IRyS's cheek and said..

" It would be an honour, IRyS. "

Bae said. The two exchanged numbers as IRyS's driver pulls up to pick up the Nephilim.

" Oh! There's my ride. I also just realised that you have no one picking you up.. Am I correct? "

Bae was surprised by the car IRyS had.. But she was even more surprised when the Nephilim successfully guessed that she had no ride home.

" Oh? How did you.. Know? "

Bae asked clearly not understanding how IRyS knew she had no ride home.. Was she some genius or something?

" Well.. Barely any cars tend to pick up people in this area.. So how about I take you home? "

IRyS said as she offered the rat girl, Bae was hesitant at first but didn't wanna refuse either on such a good offer by the Nephilim.

" Oh? You would really do that for me..? "

Bae asked as she looked at IRyS.. Why would she do that for her? Bae obviously knew IRyS had done so much for her that day.. And yet she still offers to give her a little help after all the trouble Bae put her in..?

" I would be a total asshole if I didn't help you.. So what do you say Bae? Are you in? "

Bae smiled at IRyS as she nodded in accepting the Nephilim's kind offer.

A few Moments.. Later.

Bae and IRyS we're arguing about who's the better mario kart person.. Jokingly enough the rat girl thought it would be a good opportunity to play some mario kart with her. As a competition of course.

As the two girls argue they didn't know they were already at their destination until IRyS's driver reminded them.

" Ms Hakos. We are at your destination. "

Bae got everything she had, and exited the car. IRyS lowered down the window just to say goodbye to her once more again.

" Goodnight HakoTaro! "

Said the Nephilim as Bae was just about to walk towards the front door.. She ran back to the Nephilim and kissed her forehead.

" Goodnight, My Nephilim. "

Bae said as she smiled at the Nephilim

" Dream of me. Okay? *Giggles* "

IRyS said teasingly

" Do the same for me! "

As they both laughed, IRyS closed the window and eventually the car was gone in seconds, away from the rat girl's sight.

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