College - Chapter 5

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The wonderful sound of Bae's alarm clock waking her up at 10 in the morning. The rat slapped her alarm clock as it fell down on the floor. She could care less about it anyways. Until.. After a few moments of silence she got a notification on her phone

Bae was too tired to even turn on her phone since she was so sleepy.. But her body just had an urge to just check who messaged her.

As Bae reached out for her phone she saw it was from..

" IRyS..?!- "

The rat girl immediately got up and started texting back to the Nephilim not knowing what IRyS could have possibly wanted.

IRyS: Hey Bae! I was able to get a break from music so I can focus on college..! By the way, if I may ask, is it okay for you to accompany me so I can register again? If you don't mind honestly. :)

Bae was surprised that out of everyone IRyS could have gone with she chose her. She smiled and happily accepted IRyS's request.

Baelz Hakos: Sure! We can.. We're supposed to hangout like the week after but.. I guess if you can also consider that a hangout i'd be cool with it yo!

IRyS couldn't help but smile.. She wondered why she always felt a sense of comfort when she's talking to Bae. It's like she's the little happy place for the Nephilim.

IRyS: Awesome! I'll be around there by uh.. 10:30! Is that fine?

Bae looked at her clock only to see she had 28 minutes left to prepare.. She was in a slight panic. She immediately started to get ready while texting IRyS

Baelz Hakos: Sure! That is no problem at all IRyS. I'm just gonna have to fix up a bit y'know XD

Bae was lying to IRyS through text.. She didn't want to make the Nephilim worried or anything really. While showering Bae was still having a conversation with IRyS from doing her make-up from even changing her clothes as fast as she can just so she can talk to the idol.

IRyS: I'll be there in like 5 minutes okay? :)

Bae was already getting her shoes on while Calli was still asleep on the couch. She saw a car pull up and knew it was IRyS.

" Calli! I'm going out!! "

Bae said as she opened the door and left.

" Okay.. "

Calli said in her sleep. She was too sleepy to even see Bae out of the door.

IRyS saw Bae walking towards the car. She got out and opened the door for the rat girl.

" Ladies, first! "

Bae chuckled and got in the car.

" Thank you very much, My Nephilim. "

Said Bae as it was her way to thank IRyS for her kind actions towards her.

" You look beautiful. "

Said IRyS. Bae smiled at her and basically started another conversation that turned into a rant about people making fun of her Australian accent. IRyS laughed the whole time Bae was talking.

As the two pulled up to the college.. Bae recognized the familiar area.. She looked around and it was her college?! Bae turns to IRyS.. With a confused yet smiling face.

" IRyS.. What does this mean..? "

Bae looks at IRyS as the Nephilim girl finally admits something..

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