The 29th

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A/N: wow motivation gods striked me tskr. Also omg it's baerys' anniversary im gonna go scream now because i cannot believe its been a fucking year. Mama, I'm old. Uuuuuuuuuu. It's irystobrats' birthday today. Happy birthday my siblings. Omgomgomgomgomg euhweihgeis ok back 2 the fanfic :pray:

A few weeks later..

Bae and IRyS were as usual hanging out and causing chaos but this time the two of them were baking in the kitchen and jamming to music. Singing their favorite songs and other cool things, IRyS invited Bae over to her house since she wanted to do something with her friend. What better way to hangout with them than to bake!

After a few hours of messing around and teasing each other both of the girls put it in the oven to let it bake. While keeping an eye on the sweets they were baking Bae invited her friends over to hangout with her and IRyS since the both of them had honestly nothing better to do with their time. They also came to an agreement that they would test the taste of their food on their victims.

After a few minutes, Calli, Kiara, Ame, Gura, Ina, Kronii, Mumei, Fauna and Sana arrived at IRyS' house. Amazed at how beautiful and humongous the Nephilim's house is, they were all quite overwhelmed but shook it off and proceeded to head inside smelling freshly baked sweets made by the two.

" Woah! Everything smells great.. God this has me hungry! "

" Daaamn~ This looks good as fuck. Wanna see who can eat this the fastest, Calli? "

" Oh ho oh..~ A challenge? Please. You're on, Kronii! "

" HEY! Don't have a challenge without Watson in the house! I easily beat the both of you. Afterall I am a winner!~ "

" Shut up Ame. "

While Kronii, Ame and Calli sort out their problems. Kiara, Sana and Fauna were amazed on how well made the baked goodies are by Bae and IRyS. They honestly couldn't believe that the food they were eating was made by them?! It's not that they don't trust IRyS and Bae, it's more of just not believing the fact the food didn't suffer through the duo's drama.

" I'll take a bite! "

" Me too, me too! "

" Would you like me to feed you, Sana? "

" Hehe- No need to FauFa-..! "

Fauna doesn't take no for an answer and proceeds to stuff Sana's face with goodies while Kiara watches them be all lovey dovey silently wishing Calli and her would do that together. Looking around her she sees Mumei and Gura playing Splatoon 3 while Ina eats in silence while scrolling through her phone.

IRyS and Bae cleaned up after baking for their friends and proceeded to hang around for a little, because Sana told them that she was moving away after graduation, and their finals were coming soon. They wanted to hangout as much as possible before going on the full grind on their studies.

After a couple of hours Bae and IRyS saw their friends off, the two were having a sleepover at IRyS' house so they had a lot of time to hang out. Though they mainly arranged the sleepover to have a " nightly study date " that turned into a sleepover. IRyS was on the grind doing her college assignments for the past couple of weeks while Bae has been studying.

" Yo, wanna watch a movie before we study? "

" *Giggles* Bae, if we watch a movie we might not be able to study. "

" Oh c'mon it's only 6 pm! My diet today was so freaking unhealthy it might as well be my sleep schedule and besides, I'm a professional procrastinator! Just 1 movie pleeeeaaassee?~ "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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