Ch.1: 50 years ago

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A trial was starting at the monkey kingdom, so many people and other goddesses have come to watch or to help the judge make a decision.

The trial was being held in the great Golden-Sages castle since the monkey king; King Golden, was the judge and would make the decision. The court was the throne room. On the left and right, we had about the same amount of chairs for the people and goddesses who would be coming for this event.

Once everyone was in the court and sitted down, the judge came up (aka the king) sat at the throne with a disapproval face. The small golden-furred monkey sitting next to him was his son, Sun Wukong. The young teen monkey had a face of guilt and sadness, but mostly fear.

The king told one of the guards to get the one they'll be judging, and Wukongs face had even more fear to show. Soon enough the guards walked out of a room next to the kings throne holding the arms of a black-furred monkey with three ears on each side of his head, a scar could be seen on his right eye making him look half blind.

They sat him down in front of the king on his knees as his head was hung low and facing the ground. The kings eyes narrowed as he spoke in a disgusted tone. "So you're the boy who decided to sneak my son out of his room?" The king said with a low growl, but the monkey said nothing. The king scoffed from the speechless monkey. "Answer you thief!" He yelled, and yet the monkey didn't flinch, but he slowly nodded his head.

Sun Wukong looked at the black monkey, feeling more worried as he stared at the unresponsive monkey before him and his father. He tried to speak up, but nothing came out, so he closed his mouth. "Lift his head up." The king said, and the guard behind the monkey pulled his head up from his hair, forcing him to look at the king.

"Do you know what you've done, Macaque?" King Golden leaned on his legs his arms resting in his lap "You have walked on private property without anyone's consent and decided to go to my son's bedroom window and sneak him out for "fun" as he said." Macaque growled at the statement that was true though he just wished no one found the two at the village the same night he snuck the Prince out of his room.

Better yet, his Prince, the two where under a tree watching the stars since there was more stars then usual and the two where enjoying themselves until one of the castle guards found them and started to chase them to which of course Wukong and Macaque ran but didn't get too far and ended up getting caught.

Wukong remembers this and chuckles a bit at how stupid he and Macaque where while running he also remembers how Macaque tried to teleport them out but failed since he was such in a panic, now here they where, in a court being judged.

"And you have the urge to KISS MY SON?!" Macaque and Wukong froze in their places as they both lock eyes with each other, "Don't ever think I'm dumb. I've set cameras around the castle for a reason! You were stupid from the beginning for thinking you two were safe! I sent that guard out to find you two, and thank god he did." King Golden scoffed as he got up from his throne, giving Wukong a death glare before looking back at the people and goddess sitting in their chairs as he raised his arms up.

"Within the power vested in me, I shall ban this monkie from stepping further into our kingdom! INTO MY KINGDOM!" He yelled, and Macaques' ears went down as he winced in pain. Wukong, noticing this, ran up to Macaque and covered his ears as he pressed his forehead on the others. Slight tears fell down Wukongs face he may never see the only monkie in their kingdom ever again.

The king looked down at his son and growled. "And Wukong, you are forbidden from going into the village! EVER!" The golden-furred monkie didn't listen and just held onto Macaque like he was dying in his arms while crying onto the black-furred monkies shoulder.

"Hey... don't cry over me, peaches, you'll be fine on your own, I know it..." Macaque tried to comfort the other, but Wukong let out a few more tears by that line alone, and Macaque was almost doing the same, "I don't want you to go...." Wukong said in sobs, but then an idea struck his head. He instantly let's go of Macaque and tried to get something off his neck.

He gets it and shows it to Macaque. Macaques eyes grew wide at the jewelry, a beautiful red ruby flower necklace with a gold chain to hold it was in Wukongs hands shining in the light, "It was my mothers... she said if I had it on all the time, she'd be with me and told me to give it to the one I love so that they feel me close to them." Wukong said, whispering and placing the necklace in Macaques' hand and closed it with his own."Just wear it, and I'll be right with you." Tears filled his eyes again as he hung his head low.

Macaque and Wukong where in their own little world with their eyes closed as the kings fainted yells faded in the background leaving the two boys at peace, Macaques tail held on to Wukongs tail giving more comfort to the other and it worked. But it all fell apart as a guard pulled Macaque away from the other, putting him in hand cuffs tightly. Wukong stood up faster in his whole life, but he got pulled back as well from a guard. The Wukong struggled to get lost as Macaque got dragged away out of the castle doors.

Wukong and Macaque share one more glance at each other as the two big golden doors shut close.


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