Ch.8: Life Lesson

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Night had fallen and soon did the next day rise with the bright sun lightening the earth with it's pride, and as the day played on Qixi was outside on the dirt floor swinging her staff around the place while also doing a few poses just to spice it up.

Qixi had done this for half of the afternoon, not even stopping for a break or even for lunch. The only reason why she's doing this is because "I wanna be the most feared and powerfulest monkey humans have ever laid their eyes on!" Qixi said laughing an "evil" laugh as she stood in front of the mirror her little family shared in the only bedroom they had in the cabin. Then again, it was only made for one person, not a small family of three.

But either way, the small family didn't really care (or at least Macaque and Wukong didn't) so they all shared the room but, Macaque usually sleeps on the couch which Wukong doesn't really agree on and forces the shadow demon to sleep in the bed with him and Qixi, though that would only happen if Wukong was lucky enough. Because Macaque can pass out within two seconds.

But back to the present, as Qixi continued to laugh evily at the mirror before her Macaque was there to watch leaning on the door frame with a chuckle, wonder where she got this side from? "The most feared and powerfulest monkey anyone has ever seen, huh? You do realize there's more to life than just fear and power, right sweet pea?" Macaque chuckled again as Qixi looked back at him, confused.

"What do you mean, Papa?" She tilted her head up at him as Macaque picked her small figure up and into his arms the both of them now standing in front of the mirror together, "What I mean sweet pea, is that you shouldn't let power be the only thing on your mind! What should be on your mind is having fun and making memories with those you love." Macaque said, rubbing his nose on Qixi's as she giggled.

"Papa! That tickles!" She said through giggles while Macaque chuckled before he looked back at the mirror, smiling at the reflection of him and his kid, "There's a lot more to life than just power sweet pea. There's a lot of things you can do. You're just not old enough to do them yet." Qixi gasped offendedly, placing her hand in her chest where her heart was dramatically.

"No! I'm only 7 months old! No other 7 month old baby has ever been able to talk so soon like me!" Qixi whined her as she pouted, "That's because you're special, sweetie." Another voice spoke by the door as the two looked over to see Wukong at the door frame soon walking over to the two.

Macaque smirked, handing Qixi to his ginger lover and then kissing Wukongs head as Qixi giggled, hugging her Baba, "Your Baba's right Qixi, you're just more special then other kids!" He said as Wukong rolled his eyes with a playful smile."Stop saying 'Baba' it doesn't sound right when you say it!" He said in a playful manner, making his partner gasp in a dramatic way. "Oh wow! I am offended!" Macaque said, glaring at Wukong as the ginger stuck his tongue right back at him.

"Are you two gonna kiss now?" Qixi said, looking back and forth at the two, both of their faces going red as Wukong looked back at her, completely avoiding the question. "How about you help me get the stuff out for your Papa to start dinner?" Qixi gasped as stars filled her eyes, jumping out of Wukongs arms as her tail swinged back and forth, "Yes! Let's go right now!" She said, grabbing Wukongs arm and pulling him out of the room.

Macaque watched with a smile, and before Wukong walked out of the bedroom, he smiled right back at him. Leaving the shadow monkey blushing a little before that same sly smirk came on his face, soon walking out of the room with a chuckle and following after his little family.

(Update! Y'all don't have to vote for the next chapter!

For the new readers, all I'm gonna say is that there was a vote on the next chapter, and it has been decided, so I am certainly working on it!

But anyway, I hope you guys have a good day/night! And I'll see y'all in the next chapter!!)

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