Ch.3: Our kid.

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"Help me please..."
Silent filled the room as the two now reunited monkeys stared at each other Macaques eyes wide with shock staring at Wukong as he waited for the other to respond eyes red as if he's been crying on his way here.

But none of them spoke. Not a single word. Until a little chirping sound came from under the white cloth the young king was holding and Macaques eyes fell to it, "w-what's that?" He said getting the kings attention before he started to pull the cloth off the thing under it a little hesitant but, once it showed another cloth the young king looked at the shadow demon even tho Macaques attention was on the last cloth covering whatever was under it.

With a sigh the young king took the cloth off showing a little young raven haired monkey with the same features as Wukong and Macaque, the little baby opened her bright yellow eyes seeing the face of her father and made a small happy chirp reaching her hands out. She had Wukongs and Macaques skin mixed making her a tan color her raven hair was from Macaque and her eyes where just like the young kings, She had Wukongs face mark (idk what it's called-) with little dots at the bottom of it her ears where pointy like Macaques with a light purple in them.

Macaques eyes went widen once more as the young king looked at his daughter lovingly but once his eyes went back to Macaque they where filled with worry and the shadow demon returned it. Silent filled the room once more as the baby monkey continued to reach out for her father and soon enough Wukong smiled as tears filled his eyes, he finally felt safe.

"Put her in my room. We'll talk in a bit." Macaque said and Wukong did as told walking down the hallway seeing only one door open which had to be Macaques so he walked over to it seeing a little bed near a window and walked over to it laying the young monkey down giving her a small kiss on the forehead before she closed her eyes at the soft bed below her. Falling asleep once more.

Once Wukong checked she was fully asleep he walked out the room and into the living room where Macaque sat on the couch his head down with his hand on his forehead. The young king sat down next to the shadow demon wanting to grab his hand but didn't. "So..." Macaque started looking at Wukong.

"Is she our kid?"

(This us where imma leave it for now, I know it's shirt but please I have no motivation to write to much- I'm still a bit traumatized from my last day of school so barr with me 😥 anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this! :3)


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