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June 2nd 2010

Perry and Peter ran their way over the university school to try and find Bruce Banner in time before the assassin gets to him first.

Peter:(Panting) How much longer?

Perry:(Panting) I think we're getting close.

They've been running for 5 hours but they manage to get to their destination.

They've been running for 5 hours but they manage to get to their destination

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Culver University, Virginia

They both looked at the University and were amazed by how it looks like.

Perry: Well here we are, Culver University.

Peter: Wow. This is one nice university school. It's almost like a castle.

Perry: Indeed it is and probably the best university school there is on this planet.

Peter: Ok so how are we going to find Bruce Banner?

Perry: Well first we have to find Betty Ross because she knows everything about The Hulk and she also keeps him hidden away from the military.

Peter: The Hulk, what even is that?

Perry: He's a big green beast that's been living inside of Bruce Banner's body. But his name is actually Hulk.

Peter: I think we should try and find a cure once we're done with this mission.

Perry: Actually Peter I don't think there's a cure for gamma radiation.

Peter: You're probably right about that. I haven't found a cure gamma radiation.

Perry: The crazy thing is that, Bruce had The Hulk inside of his body for a long time!

Peter: Wait a minute Why is she trying to keep him hidden away from the military army?

Perry: General Ross is her father and he wants to destroy him.

Perry: General Ross is her father and he wants to destroy him

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Peter: Hey look there's Betty.

Perry: Come on, Peter! (Running)

As the two teenagers run over to Betty, Peter stops and he sees a person looking at him, Perry goes on ahead and he doesn't stop to check on him. As Peter walked over to him the person walked out revealing to be Loki.

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