The Defeat Of Yellowjacket

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As Pym tried to punch and firing energy pulses from his stingers at his enemy to kill him. But Loki kept on disappearing and reappear from behind.


Hank Pym: Stop moving Parker! What are you doing? Let's go—

Loki then created dozens of illusions copies himself disguised as Spider-Man surrounding him. They were laughing at him.

Hank Pym: It's like your everywhere. Aah!

One Loki punches Yellowjacket, Pym tries fruitlessly to attack them, another one kicks him from behind and he falls to the ground. Yellowjacket tried to fly away to escape from Culver, unlit Loki created a giant copy of illusion of Spider-Man in the sky and caught him in the icy trap and crashes on the ground. Pym looked up to see all of the illusion Parker copies laughing at him, they turn into Loki and they all disappear except for the real one and The real Peter Parker walks up beside him.

Hank Pym:(confused) Uh, what's with the goth kid?

Loki: Hello, trickster god hi.

Perry: Who are you, how did you even get here and how were you able to do Peter's voice so well?

Peter: I made a deal with him. He told me that he would help us but he wanted the entire corpse. But I didn't accept his help then he said would take over our planet.

Perry: But how did you know my name and everyone else?

Loki: I was given The Avengers candidate names, yours, Betty's, General Ross's, his and his deceased daughter as well.

Yellowjacket's suit was badly damaged and his face was covered in blood dripping from his cheeks, his nose and his mouth he was also missing a few teeth that were punched out from Loki's powerful attack's. He realized that he failed to kill all of the candidates.

Hank Pym:(Gasp) No No No! I, I lost.

Ross: If it isn't Hank Pym, a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent and the rival of Howard Stark (Kneels)

Hank Pym:(Grunts) I can still see that you're still on Stark's side.

Ross: I knew my guts would tell me that you would be behind all of the mysterious assassins. You're not worthy of being Ant-Man. Janet deserves to be called The Wasp and her sacrifice's will never be forgotten.

Hank Pym: You still respect my wife, but you don't have any respect for me at all?!

Ross: You really think S.H.I.E.L.D. Killed Janet. She made her choice. She saved millions of lives and even your daughter!

Hank Pym:(Yells) No Fury filled her head with nonsense about-

Ross:(Yells) Fury didn't do anything wrong with her. You should've helped your daughter out with her mission. But no you didn't help her and you were the one that killed her, Not Fury's!

Hank Pym:(Yells) I'm doing all of this to make Fury hurt!

Ross:(Yells) Your trying to ruin Fury's life. Well you nearly ruined everyone's life my daughter's, Barton's wife, Pepper's, everyone! You're not trying to make him hurt you're making everyone hurt from you. What do you have to say about that you murder

Hank Pym said nothing back to Ross. He just looked at the ground and accepting his defeat.

Ross: Thought so (Yells) (Kicks Hank Pym's face) You do anything like that to my daughter again and I'll show you ferocity Pym one that you'll never regret!


The Hulk lands in the middle of the 3 destroyed military vehicles. The Beast was about to smash them until Betty slowly approaches him.

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