Fight scene

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The Hulk vs The Military

Ross:(Points at The Hulk) Take it down!



The soldiers start shooting their guns and from their vehicles at The Hulk. The Beast gets angry, he jumps out of the overpass and slams the ground hard sending the soldiers and their tanks flying back. Hulk rushes over to a tank and throws it over the school. Blonsky watches at The Hulk's massive strength and power.



Blonsky: Now this is my kind of enemy.

He hurries back over to Ross and the soldiers. Hulk runs over to the military who were firing their guns at him causing him to get angry.

Perry: He's distracted! Now's my chance to escape. (Running)

Hulk:(Roar) (Running)

Soldiers:(Gunfire) Move away! Move away!

The Hulk grabs a tank, repeatedly hit's it against the ground and throws it

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The Hulk grabs a tank, repeatedly hit's it against the ground and throws it. He picks up another tank and throws it over to the soldiers.

Soldiers: Look away, look away, take cover.

Ross:(Walkie-talkie) Alpha team. Let him, have all of it!


Soldiers: Come on, shoot him! (Gunfires)

Blonsky:(Screaming) (Gunfire)


Ross: Where are the fifty cals?! Move your asses!

The Soldiers charged out of the trees and charged over to The Hulk! Betty saw Hulk being attacked by her father and the soldiers.

The Soldiers charged out of the trees and charged over to The Hulk! Betty saw Hulk being attacked by her father and the soldiers

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Betty: Father... No, you're making this evening worse! (Running)

Perry:(Panting) (Running)

The Hulk runs to a military tank, grabs it, the soldier runs out of the tank and he throws it at the soldiers. The tank exploded and there was a fire.

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