Yellowjacket's Death

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Einherjar held onto Yellowjacket's arms tight as they walked over to Odin who was for them, he was about to be judged for his crimes for the trying to kill Thor. The old man was still angry that he couldn't kill the candidates and ruin Fury's work.

Hank Pym: I have no idea what all the fuss is about? Why am I even here I'm innocent.

Odin: Do you not truly feel gravity of your crimes? Killing those innocent people on Midgard for no reason.

Hank Pym: I shouldn't even be here at all. If you should be talking to anyone it should be Fury! He's responsible for all of this not me.

Odin: Director Fury didn't do anything wrong at all. You were about to start a war on their planet!

Hank Pym:(Yells) Of course you don't even understand what situation that I'm in! He took everything from me!

Odin:(Yells) Going on a killing spree for no reason will not bring your daughter back! I sentence you in the dungeon for the rest of your life.


They walked over to the dungeon and he saw a lot of people in their cell with no way out. YellowJacket tried to shrink to escape but his microscopic ability was removed from his suit.


Guard 1:(Covers his mouth with a Asgardian Collar) Shut up!

Hank Pym:(Mumbling loud)

Loki: I'm sorry what was that? I can't hear you.

Guard 2: Get in there you! (Throws him in his cell)

Hank Pym:(Grunts) GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!!!

Guard 3: Oh shut up you crazy killer!

Hank Pym: Just you wait until I get out of here you'll be sorry you did this.

Loki: Oh don't you worry you'll get out of here soon and I'll give you a one way ticket for you to join your family.

Frigga: Loki I know you want to avenge the death of your brother but be happy that he's still alive.

Odin: Your mother is right Loki. You've beaten him up to much. Just leave him alone.

Loki:(Sigh) alright.

Three days later

YellowJacket has been staying in his cell room for two days and was sitting in there doing nothing but been silent. 4 guards and Loki walked into the dungeon going to get him.

Hank Pym:(Confused) You're letting me go?

Loki: Of course not you're going to be executed and your ticket to see your family again. Now come with me!

Hank Pym: Wait?! What?! NOOO!!! (Grunts) Get off of me! You monsters!

Einherjar dragged YellowJacket down the hall, the old man tried to break free from them, but he got electrocuted him a couple of times. They brought him to a room and they threw him in there locking the door. Loki looked at the camera and showed the world a video of YellowJacket for everyone to watch him being executed.

Loki: Good evening my loyal subjects. Today I'm going to show you the assassin who tried to kill my brother and here he is Hank Pym. He also tried to murder your little heroes on Midgard. But don't worry everyone he'll be out of our world once and for all.

The people who were looking at the big screens started talking to each other about what will happen to him and what will they do to him.

Loki: So now tell me Hank Pym how do you fell that you are going to be removed from this universe.

Hank Pym: WHAT NO!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! (Bangs the window) YOU'LL BE SORRY!!! (Banging the window harder)

Loki: Now prepare the execution.

YellowJacket tried to get escape from the room he then tried to fire his energy pulse stingers but it didn't do anything the glass was strong. Loki was enjoying the site of YellowJacket.

Hank Pym: Come on why isn't it working?!

Loki:(Laugh) Try all you want you'll never be able to escape from that room.

Suddenly his body starts to swell up because his heart was getting bigger than his body. Loki saw his parents came to him and were shocked to see what he was about to do.

Hank Pym:(Scared) What's happening?!! Why's my body getting bigger?!!

Odin: Loki what are you doing?!

Frigga: We told you not to do this!

Loki: I'm doing this for us and Thor! If this assassin wants to kill everyone, then I'll give him the taste of his own medicine!

Odin and Frigga: LOKI STOP!!!

Everyone was shocked and worried at the same time. He screamed in pain as his body gets bigger his suit's rips off his body and the pulses stingers fell off his back.

Hank Pym: Please! Stop! You're gonna kill me!

Odin & Frigga: LOKI!!!

Loki put on an evil smile as he watches his brother's assassin about to get killed. Hank Pym close his eyes shut as his body gets larger and larger, he then opens one eye, he screams in a lot of pain and his whole body explodes. Blood went everywhere in the room.

Everyone screamed in horror after they saw a body explode right in front of them!

Thor: I... I never knew that Loki cared about me that much but I didn't think he would go this far!

Loki: There you all have it. This is what happens when someone tries to kills Thor or even my family will end up like him. Have a nice day everyone. (Turns off the camera)

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