White Wine.

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A/N Im trying something new and going with livs pov.. And I'm sorry it's Un edited and just rough draft I'll fix it later when I have time.

~Olivia P.O.V.~

"Do you want something to drink?" She asked.

"Sure, what do you have?"

Amanda walked behind the counter and opened the wine cooler. "I have..Red wine, 2005.. White, 2003.. those are the oldest. There's vodka and margarita mix too, if you want."

I laughed, "You keep your vodka in the wine cooler?"

"Shush, I'm lazy, and I barely have time to keep this place clean as it is, let alone organize my drinks." She looked back at me. "So, what do you want?"

"Um, white is good, thanks."

She stood up and started rummaging through her cabinets, trying to find two matching glasses. When she found them, she started to unscrew the cork, and pour the wine into the glasses. 'She's gorgeous..' I thought to myself. 'No, I can't. I can't do this again. She can't like me back, besides, this would ruin anything we could have platonically..' I took my phone out and pretended I was doing something until I saw her place the glass in front of me. "Thanks." I smiled, and unconsciously downed half the glass.

"Shit, Liv. Is something wrong?.."

"What? Oh no, I'm okay haha. I didn't realize I-shit I'm sorry.."

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything it's okay Liv. Is something wrong?" She looked me in the eyes.

"It's nothing, I promise."

She hesitated for a moment, but gave in. "Okay." She sipped her wine and said, "Do you want more?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem." She refilled my glass. "How's Noah's asthma?"

"Uh, He's coping, but the poor thing just. His body isn't used to having so much antibiotics in a short period of time, you know?"

"I'm sorry.. is he feeling better lately?"

"Yeah, he's been basically destroying everything he touches haha, you know how boys are."

She laughed, "I do, I lived with two brothers." She refilled her glass. "They kicked my ass for years, haha."

"I was an only child, I remember wanting a little brother so bad."

"Noooo, you don't want that trust me all they do is go through your crap and tell on you."

I laughed."Nice to know, I do have a half brother though, from my dads side."

"What happened with him?"

"He uh, got accused of raping someone. Tried to kidnap his kids when he got caught with weed. Basically ran to me whenever he fucked up, and I wanted to help, but he just.. I don't know."

"I'm sorry, that must've been hard.."

"No, it's okay, really. he reminded me of my dad, and although it was nice getting to know what he looked like it just-I didn't want him around with all his legal problems. That sounds bad but there was more to it than that, long story."

"Oh, it's okay. I kinda relate, with my sister and all. I'm still in debt for all the stuff she stole from my apartment, on top of the gambling debts.."

"Manda, im sorry. You know I'm here for you anytime, right?"

"Yeah, yeah Liv, I do. Thank you."

She turned away from me, and I heard her sniff.

"Manda?.." I walked up to her. "You okay?"

She tried to hide her face. "yeah, yeah I'll be okay im sorry, I'm just cryin like an idiot."

"No, you're fine. You've had a long day, I would do the same thing you're doing. It's perfectly okay."

She laughed. "I think it's more of those talking," she pointed at the two empty wine glasses. "than anything else."

"Haha, well yeah maybe. I definitely am a bit more than tipsy to be honest."

"Don't throw up okay?"

I looked at her. "no, nooo, Mandy im going to throw up!!"

"Shut the hell up oh my god."

I laughed. "I can handle myself thank you very much."

"Sure, whatever you say."

She took a sip of her wine.

"You know when you bend over Nick stares at your ass right?"

She choked on her drink. "What the fuck?"

"Haha, don't act like you don't know."

"Shut up oh my god." she laughed. "Maybe I do it on purpose, you never know." she wiggles her eyebrows.

My jaw dropped open. "So much for one night stand, jesus."

"Hey! It was a one night stand, nothing more."

"You seem defensive."

"What do you mean?"

"You keep saying that, like making it clear you're not sleeping with him anymore."


"And, it-never mind."

"And it?.."

"Nothing, I completely forgot what I was going to say actually."

"Pfft. Yeah right." She gave me a look. "What is it?"

"I seriously forgot. I haven't drank this much wine is so long."

She laughed. "I want to tell you something.."

"Yeah?" My heartbeat sped up.

"I kinda used to like you."


"Yeah.." Her blue eyes peered into mine, and I felt myself slip out,

"I do too."

"Do? as In Present tense?"

"I meant did-sorry."


"Yeah?" I looked down. I fucked up. Now I remember why I stopped drinking around people I like.

"Do you still like me?" She tried to make eye contact with me, but I focused my gaze on the glass.

"I think I do. It's okay I won't-"

"I do too.."

"You do?"

We both stood there for a moment, not sure what to do.

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