Chapter 4

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Running was everything he has done in those dreams. More like nightmares. He don't know why he does that. But it knows the fear he felt from them was real. Everything felt real like it was a part of his past and memories.

Normally, when he run it's to flee from a murderer. Even thought he doesn't see the face that killer wear. He felt confused and perplex about who could be after him. He felt the need to know. Yet he always wake up by being knock out on a operation table.

He breathed in and out has he look at his surroundings. His desk, his nightstand table with a picture framed on it, the drawings pinned on one side of the walls...

He sighed in relief has he saw the reflection of himself over the mirror hanging from his armory. He hide his screen with his hands. "This was only that same stupid dream... I should get used to it now.." He mumble this out to reassure himself all the time this happen.

The noise of a door opening made him know someone had come to his bedroom. He glanced over to see the neko girl stepping to his bed. She was staring at him before she jump on the bed and rushed to give him a hug.
He would always answer to it by wrapping his arms around her. He was glad to have her by his side. If not, he would have gone insane.
Having a daughter who doesn't talk much but use a lot of gesture or action at use to show what she wants to express. Is something a father like himself could have wish to have.

"Loona..." He called her name softly out has he pat her soft grey hair and ears in a tender way. She look up to him with her eyes sparkling a bit. "Would you like to come with me today?" He asked has he smiled a bit. She suddenly reacted with the pupil of her eyes going big like the owl have. She got to stand up and nodded a lot her head. Even her tail was wagging on her back. Boney could not help then chuckles at her reaction. He loved when she react like that. "Alright... Let's get ourself prepare and we will see what we can do once we are outside." Just like that Loona quickly rushed out of her father bedroom to get to her own to change into some clothes.

Once outside the father and daughter would enjoy a day together. Boney being out of work for the day has a break, because yes he get some. Everytime he has a day off of work, he would enjoy it by doing what his daughter want to do. Mostly it would be to follow her father around and get the snacks she always wanted.

The two would start going to the small beach and have a fun competition on who made the best sand castle. Boney would let Loona win it everytime to see her happy and satisfied for every victory she gain.

Then they would go enjoy some nice cream from the famous blue rabbit guy that sell the best ice cream. Even though Boney could not really eat his own, Loona would take it after she had finish her own.

When it was the afternoon the two would go at the arcade game to play some games over there. Some being well know machine where you have to try to catch a plush and just end up being tricked by believing you'll never get it. Somehow Boney was able to gain at least half of the plush from those machine. He got the attention of the other children who seemed to be amazed by how much talent he has on catching the plushies. Since he had too much of them he would only keep one that his daughter had eyes on and would give the other plush to the children. They would thanks him and go back in playing with those in their games.

It was like a routine. The duo would enjoy their time even if they mostly bring attention to the others on their way.

Boney remember about his friend being curious about his daughter. He though maybe it was a good idea to show her to him. He look down at her to see how much she was hugging her new plush. "Loona, I want you to meet someone. He is a friend I made three days ago... Will you be good to behave with him?" He asked curiously. She look up to him and tilted her head. She gave him a nod before going back on looking at her blue greyish plush.
With that approvement, the father guided his daughter to a small market with a panel of a name showing next to some white scribbles with a red light around it.

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