Chapter 6

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"I am afraid that I must check your soul closer to know... May I?"

Gaster gestured over the young man's soul floating in front of the uncovered chest. Which he let out a small gasp to the sight of the cracks on it."O-Oh sure... You can hold it." He helded one of his arm close has he waited for him to do something. But instead Gaster only stared at him. It's like he was even a bit embarrassed. "Normally showing a soul is... Something intimate to do in monster kind.. But right now It's just like a doctor making sure their patients are fine. So you must know that I won't attempt to do something bad on your soul." He assured to bring more of a good atmosphere during this.

The tv man felt a bit relaxed about the explanation given to him. He never knew this was an intimate move. "T-This.... Make sense I guess?" He felt a bit unsure about this. After all if he touch his soul something would happen right? Yet the soul was only floating perfect under the skeleton's hands. Gaster pupil shined with a purple color in his eyes sockets. "That's interesting..." He hummed has he was deep focus on the cracked white soul. Boney anxiety got over him and he was breathing fast. "What is it? A-Am I dying?"

Gaster frowned and shook his head. "No... Not now for sure. Your HP is incredibly high yet your soul show this bad state to make anyone think it is on breaking point. Perhaps the problem might be because of an accident that caused your soul to be like this..." At this mention, the young man breath calmed down. He was thinking about that. If an accident happen to him before, it would explain his memories lost over his past. On who he was. He was curious to know what could it be. "An accident? Like getting hit by a car or a truck?" He tilted his head confused. If it was that, he would at least have got some memories back. Yet nothing seems to have except those weird nightmares he got when he sleep.

"Mmh... I don't think it would be that. I think it's more in a mental state. Like something might have traumatized you. That must also explain your amnesia problem." Boney though about his health. Maybe it was because he did not eat or drink since he woke up with no memories of his past that it might give his mind or brain if he even had one inside his head, a disease. He felt in big relief it's not because of that. "Really? Oh.... So it's about a trauma I had? I though for a second it's because I was not eating or drinking anything.. or the car accident." That explain a lot to him about this. He must have had a bad childhood and something happen there for him to have later a problem to remember about the person he used to be from the past. Gaster look up and lower his hands has he was careful on holding Boney's soul.

"Tell me Boney... Why can't you eat or drink anything? It's not because you think that you have a tv for a head would really stop this?" This question would made Boney flinch. He never get to ask that kind of question. He never had the though about because he has that kind of head he could not eat. Mostly no one ever had dared because he though they fear of being rude to him. "Well... No. It's not because of that. I have tried to eat and drink before. But I would just throw it out and feel sick afterward.." It was a true fact. He did tone of test with different food and meal he made. In result a black stuff came out and what was left of the diner was given by his daughter who seemed to enjoy it. "I see.. What kind of food have you try to eat?" Boney ponder about what Gaster mean. All he has try to eaten was human food. Any kind, the fast food, the healthy one or even the bio one. Nothing seemed to work for him. "Well I don't remember the name of the foods but i can found it in my human diner recipes book." He started to say. Gaster raised an eye brow curiously at that has he asked. "You never eaten magic food before?" This bring Boney to more curiosity. Magic food? Such a thing could exist? "No? What's that?" He lean closer to him has he held the border of the bathtub. Gaster smiled amused by that curiosity. It's like he was explaining to a toddler a new thing they never seen before. "It's what we, the monster kind used to eat before coming to the surface. It's what was helping us to survive from hunger and getting our magic to it's maximum." That's a true fact that seem to still be in use for some that decided to not eat human food yet.

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